10 HR Management Books
5 Min Read | Posted by Harshil Patel on 16 August, 2017
It is always said “books are you best friends” isn’t the reality. You may have lack of entertainment in your life but books are the best way to entertain yourself and at the same time it enhances your knowledge too.
For human resource and people operations holidays are the best time to explore through. It pushes the day-to-day business into new sphere and drive new shapes and productive results with positive working environment.
The words of Margaret Fuller are meant for everyone but for a HR professional who manages people everyday with higher degree of efficiency it is very for them to cultivate the habit of reading as reading opens our mind to new ideas and help us to develop our own as well.
When an employee wants to know about the employers policies and is frustrated with their boss, they usually approach the HR of the organization for help and assistance to them. So a HR must possess qualities of business acumen, legal knowledge and people skill.

1. 100 ways to motivate others: Steven Chandler

It is the best and easy book to use. Steven chandler’s book 100 ways to motivate others helps mangers to well understand the science and arts of getting their team to hard work. He teaches manager’s to how to motivate the team in ways that minimize micromanagement while maximizing productivity. The book also focuses on motivational lessons and how managers can model positive behavior. If you are planning an employee recognition program then this book is the best way to explore through. The book also provides actionable ideas that an HR can go through and can also share with other leaders too.

2. Talent management handbook: lance A Berger; Dorothy R Berger

 The talent management handbook is the best guide for and HR professional. It tells us how to develop, nurture and retain the best talent in an organization. It is like a holy book of the HR managers, with everything they need to know about employee onboarding, compensations, leadership development and engagement.

3. First break all the rules: what the world’s greatest managers do differently: Marcus Buckingham, Curt Coffman

An in depth study f exceptional managers across industries shows one common denominator that great managers buck conventional wisdom and apply innovative method to shape productive terms. These lessons can be applied to people operation and in cultivating more productive result for the organization. 

4. The empowered manager : Peter Block

Peter block in his book the empowered manager talks about the how to demolish the political happening in a workplace and he take us through the maze of political happening taking in a workplace and how to deal with it. He also tells in his book that how politic is beneficial for the organization and the people working within the organization.

5. The power of habit: why we do what we do in life and in business:  Charles duhigg

He recognizes that human beings are creatures of habit at the core and he tells us about how habits shape the organization and leaves an impact on the people of the organization. This book helps the HR managers to know how habits are formed and how to break these habits. The book provides incredibly shareable text that may help HR managers who conduct performance review or coach managers. This book also moves the readers because it goes far beyond basic understanding of habits and it also examines how they are unconsciously formed and how it molds life.

6. Do great work: stop the busy work, so the work that matters: Michale Bungay Stanier

A great Canadian business consultant by profession writes about spending more and productive in work rather than doing busy time. The book is the best guide to achieve higher productivity at workplace and the book also helps in becoming a great worker who relies creativity to reach his destinated goal.

7. Love’em or Lose’em: Getting Good People to Stay:   Beverly Kaye and Sharon Jordan-Evans                                                           
Retaining is the key in today’s workplace. It is easy to remove or replace a person but at the same time it is expensive as well rather retaining a person is much better. Retaining is the sign of a good leader. The book tells us about how to retain people in our company and how to keep employees engaged, leading them to focus on their jobs and not the exit doors.

8. Lean In: women, work and the will to lead: Sheryl Sandberg

The facebook Coo Sheryl Sandberg’s book is a vivid and awesome inspirational as her life is the book is the sincere attempt to trials and tribulations she has faced in her career that is sure to help the present and future women leads to know the potential within them. The book deals with achievement, to failure, to maintaining a healthy and productive balance. It is an empowering book that may help any professional to reach its full potential.

9. Smart staffing: Wayne outlook

Most HR managers are required to handle recruitment and staffing duties in some point in their career. The book is the best guide to help HR professionals to see a bigger picture when it comes to staffing. The book provides a guide in approaching and retaining top talent in a small business and entrepreneurial organization. Smart staffing is a well versed staffing class book, and its volume that you can turn time and again for help.

10. 1501 ways to reward an employees: B
ob Nelson

The book by bob nelson is the best guide that offers us method to help keep employees happy and nurtured. The best part is that the method is simple and economic. It is the vital resource in today’s workplace economy. The book was revised and reprinted in 2012.

At the end reading, learning, evolving must never stop because change is the basic necessity of life and it never stops. In order to keep pace with the changes taking place in the business ecosystem it is necessary for an HR professional to take every single opportunity to enhance his knowledge and skills that he have mastered in his school days and what can be the best source of knowledge than reading a book.
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