Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and caldron bubble.

Halloween is a reminder on what really horrifies the Recruiters all over the world. Here are 10 types of candidates that give sleepless nights to every employer: -

1. The Ghosts
Candidates who simply disappear after receiving an offer without having the courtesy to even reason  or properly decline the offer.

2. The Fakers
Candidates that write all the Buzz words Skills in their resumes but haven't actually done them. Did you know that 78% jobseekers lie on their resume?

3. The Dreamers
Candidates who don't do their research about the company or even recall job requirements before an interview

4. The Cribbers
Candidates who are mostly bad mouthing Ex-employers or former managers, spoiling their chances to land in the new job.

5. The Chasers
Candidates who just cannot respect the timelines and nearly Spam call or repeatedly message the interviewers for a feedback

6. The Non-committals
Those candidates who never return the calls for interviews even after saying "I'll get back"

7. The Procrastinators
Candidates who seek delaying the process for petty excuses just to evaluate 'better" opportunities

8. The Slang lovers
Candidates who believe conversing in Colloquial language, jargons and  home made abbreviations during interviews is so 'Kool'

9. The Blabbers
When 'Tell me about yourself' looks like an opportunity to narrate entire childhood experiences. Candidates who are desperate to start talking about their life stories without any regard to actually 'listen' or be 'precise'.

10. The Jumpers
Candidates who actually join the company and take off for another job after even before the ink on appointment letter dries up

You Spooked them, alright! But shun these evils and get their love, unless ... you want to make a career as a Ghost.
Posted in : Humour 
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