Your reputation will precede you!
... and its important to invest in it.
Building good reputation takes time and effort. When it comes to branding, most businesses are focused on finding new ways to attract new customers and communicate the right message to their target audience. A good brand reputation can ensure new customers choosing your brand over competitors and even increase the number of loyal repeat customers. Branding which is carefully crafted and maintained can increase your trustworthiness, brand recall and ultimately profitability.

Employer Branding is the employer’s image as a place to work and the promise they make to their employees in exchange for their talents. Majority of candidates research the company well on the internet before applying for the job. The impression you make on the candidates decides whether you would be able to hire the best talent in the market or not.

As an employer, ask yourself:
  • What are the trending career expectations?
  • What are the company’s strategic objectives?

So thats a start to enhance Employer Branding.
Highlighting compensation isn't the best aspect to focus. It's the culture, mission and workplace trends that attract potential talent. Talking about skills training and advancement opportunities, Career progression and onboarding process are anchors to a campaign.

Did you know that more than 25% candidates, view other employee profiles immediately after finding out about a job opportunity?

Flaunt your employees
and the fun times. They are your best brand ambassadors.

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Talent acquisition is much like Customer acquisition.
You have to keep that in mind that you are “selling” the idea of working in your company, same way that you would sell a product. You can do this by marketing content, personalization and follow up messages.

You can use the same approach with candidates by creating content that highlights the benefits of working for your business. This information can then be shared through marketing-type content. Incorporate new and innovative marketing content in your recruiting strategy to keep your candidates engaged and keen on joining.  For instance, sending follow-up text messages or even using AI chatbots to schedule interviews can make the application process easier and more engaging.

Be transparent. Transparency creates alignment, builds faith and most importantly, sets expectation.
Candidates come up with many creative reasons as to why they are turning down a job offer, but the main reason, why many candidates give up the offer, is when their expectations are not met. The candidate must have got the impressions that the job was something else as compared to reality. Often to lure good candidates, the company emphasizes only the perks to make the company look like a great company to work for, but that sets unrealistic expectations in the candidate’s mind which obviously are not met.

Use social media channels and Rich media to showcase thhiringplug blog employer brandinge real life, behind the scenes type content of your office on social media and your website to show glimpses of your culture, highlight fun events and discuss the things that make your workplace unique. You can do this by sharing testimonial videos of real employees speaking about their day to day routine and what sort of work they do.

Reviews build credibility. Whenever you purchase a product, you look for product reviews first. Similarly, whenever an employee looks for a new position, they look for company reviews on employee review sites. What former employees say about your company can sway the impression your company has on potential candidates. But the human tendency is to focus on the negative and neglect the positive. If any former employees put bad review, then this can skew the perception of new candidates.

Nobody likes negative reviews, and yet what's more important is how you handle them. Take control of these reviews by proactively responding, by explaining how your company's perspective and how you take complaints seriously. The way you respond and interact says far more about your brand.

Take care to define and nuture your employer brand & employer value proposition and watch the best talent come knocking your door! :)
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