Since mankind's evolution, humans are highly avaricious and our penchant to ameliorate our lives never reaches a full stop. Undeniably it has engendered a deadly cut-throat & inescapable competition in all facets of life; whether it’s just earning a wage or looking for a place to live. Others perception of us, social factors & criticism triggers a sense of fear within us, which is known as Atychiphobia. And such fears misguide us, restrict our capabilities and performance. Little do we realise that failure only means that we are trying and progressing. Failure is the biggest teacher; it lets us know that there is still a window for improvement, we still have a chance to hone ourselves better. 

Atychiophobia is pervasive on the professional front of our lives. Money, fame and power have become the driving motive of our lives. We aim for lucrative jobs, put in our heart and soul in achieving that and if failed at any step, we presume our lives are miserable. And it doesn’t stop there. It persists even after securing a job. People tend to be fidgety about undertaking new tasks and projects owing to this fear. Fear of failure, being mocked at and losing a job stand as firm obstacles. Workplace turns into an emotional roller coaster, you're under an unsustainable amount of pressure & the chances of fatigue & mental burnout mushroom. Check out 3 solid ways to Lessen workstress

Consider an example of a candidate who aspires to be recruited in a company. He, being a sincere and diligent candidate toils day and night to clear the written ability exams. Now, he has cleared Stage 1 and progressed to the Group Discussion and Private Interview round. He performs flawlessly in GD and is now called for the PI. Now that he is only one step away from securing his dream job, fear and nervousness start to take over. Following these two things can happen:

Case 1: The candidate frets about the possibility of failing at the last step. The fear hampers his performance significantly and he ends up being rejected. This fear lingers in his mind all throughout his lifetime and he even  gives up trying successively. Ultimately, he settles for a moderate job when he could have clearly done a lot better. The fear of failure occupies his mind to such an extent that he starts believing that he is not worthy enough of achieving his dream job. 

Case 2: The candidate realises that results are beyond his control, the only thing he can assure is his best performance. He profoundly rejects the fear of failure and only focuses on showcasing all his best abilities. He is well-versed with the fact that the beauty of life lies in its uncertainty. He put in all his efforts and proves his mettle. Even if he gets rejected, he will have enough self-confidence and he will never deter in achieving his goals.

Overcoming Fear :-
There are countless examples of eminent personalities failing at the initial stages of their career. The unrivalled queen of Television talk shows, Oprah Winfrey was fired from her first news anchor job. Sir Isaac Newton dropped off in school to take care of farms and failed miserably. Stories of failure in career are innumerable, morale is one: We shall not let fear of failure dominate over our perseverance and determination. Failure is inevitable, fear is futile. At the professional front, fear of failure is widely persistent. As soon as an employee is given a task of tremendous responsibility, fear starts surmounting him. The choice is ours: whether to surrender to the fear or tackle against it with all our might. There are some proven strategies to tackle fear of failure. Some which can be easily adopted and followed are:

  • Spring out of your comfort zone: There might be some side projects at your workplace that you have high proclivity for. However, the fear of failure dissuades you from trying. Instead of being apprehensive, you shall just go for it. You might fail at the beginning, albeit you will start associating failure with progress. You will learn to embrace failure with open arms and move on.

  • Girdle yourself with positivity: When you scrutinize fear, negativity starts filling your minds. “If I goof up this presentation, I’ll  immediately be fired and remain jobless for the rest of my life”, you think. You persuade yourself that things are bound to go downhill. Instead, you shall train yourself to think rationally and positively. Whatever the situation is, you shall take a moment to contemplate it and think of all possible obstacles. You shall tackle all the obstacles efficaciously rather than worrying about them.

  • Expand your goals: Instead of fixing one particular target and goal, you shall expand the horizons of your goals. Rather than having a fixed target like “Earn a profit of Rs. 10,00,00 from a product launch”, including “learning new things about product launch” will add great value to your goal. Employing this method, you can never possibly fail, because every time you’ll end up learning something new.

Eventually, the choice is ours: to fight or to surrender, to live with glory or to succumb to fear. It’s the fear of failure that comes in between “what actually happened” or “what could it had been”. Work life and career are one’s identity and we shall make sure that we achieve the best. Failure shall be welcomed with open arms and shall be treated as the first step to success.

"Have pity on those who are fearful of taking up a pen, or a paintbrush, or an instrument, or a tool because they are afraid that someone has already done so better than they could…"
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