“A boss creates fear, a leader creates confidence”

A lousy boss can siphon the environment from what might been a rewarding role, leaving you feel undervalued and frustrated. Most of the people feel quitting the job is the right strategy but running from fear isn’t the solution always. We need to face it and seek a solution; it would be wise to rethink how you can better manage the boss you already have –for all their flaws and shortcomings. Research has found out that overworking or overtime is the main cause why people quit their jobs. A Danish study of 4,500 public service workers has proved credence to the adage that “people don't leave jobs rather they leave managers.”

Now the question is what you mean by a bad boss. Philosophically, a person isn’t bad or good as beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder but practically this isn’t the truth. Many of us daily with a person who might be bully, controlling, intrusive, picky or petty and the sad part is still we have to call him our boss. Most of the times it happens that the boss doesn’t realize what his employees think about him. A hands-off manager may not realize that his failure to provide any proper direction or feedback makes him a bad leader. He may think he’s empowering or controlling his staff but the reality is something else. But however picky the boss may be, you can always come up with better ways to manage with him.

  • Support his growth and work around his weakness: It may sound weird to support the bad boss and make him more successful but there is absolutely nothing to be gained by making him look evil or cruel, going to war against him or facilitating his failure. The way out is to help your boss, focus on his strengths instead of always whining about his weakness.  If you know your boss is often late to meetings, offer to kick off the next meeting for him. If he tends to change his mind frequently or is always in doubts, or is outright forgetful, be sure to document interactions so you can refer back to them if he ever contradicts himself.

  • Give your 100% always: Never let your boss’s bad behavior be an excuse for your own. Many of the employees lose their interest in the work due to lack of appreciation and satisfaction. But this isn’t the way. Instead keep your mind focused on top performance. While it may be easy to succumb to resentment or resignation and mentally check out of your job, doing so not only undermines your own integrity but it can put you at risk of being branded as whiner, a slacker, or both. 

  • Stand Tall and never cower: Silence encourages the tormentor and not the tormented. People who bully or tease others get more powerful because of people who respond by showing fear and cowering. If you have confidence that you are able to give your 100%, never bow you head down. Always walk with your head high up in the air. It is good to be down to earth but one never should be very submissive. If you feel compelled to call your boss on his behavior, go ahead but do so with a cool head and prepare in advance for the ensuing fallout. It is always said that everything we want lies on the other side of the fear.

  • Identify his prime motivations: It is important to know what your boss does and what are his/her prime motives. Since the fact is that you will have to work under him so you need to avoid things which irritate him and be proficient in your skills. Try to put yourself in their shoes and then look at the workplace or the work, may be you get to understand things in a better way. When you know what drives or moves your boss (even if your boss may not be fully conscious of it), you can adjust with him, frame your opinions and use language in ways that line up with his core values, priorities and concerns.

  • Be Proactive: The best way to deal with a picky and bad boss is not to have one. Be careful whenever you search for a new job or company. Invest some time into the culture of the workplace, the leadership and co employees, and the sort of management that is supported at the place. If you are moving internally, make sure you complete your networking ahead of time to get a sense of both the environment within the team you might be moving to, and those who are creating it.

Even if the above ways do not work out, the best thing to do is to wait. The two most powerful weapons are time and patience. If your boss has a lot on his/her plate this month, his/her stress level may be high and she might not take as kindly to your issues. You have to realize that you are just an employee who has to work in just one department. And he/she is the boss who has to look into the work of all the departments. Be it profit or loss, the boss has to bear that and still has to manage to give the employees their salary on time. He has to keep his rapport, answer the media and maintain relations with the investors. Above all, he/she too has a personal life which is always on stake. If your boss has anger management problems, identify what triggers her meltdowns and be extra militant about avoiding those. 

Co-operation is required from both the ends. If you keep on poking and whining, neither you work nor will your boss be pacified. Always keep in mind, “control your fears, build your self esteem, radiate positivity and the world will be yours.”
Posted in : Work Culture 
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