At a minimum of around eight hours, a day office colleagues are in an enclosed space, working closely with people who all have diverse identities and characteristics. What's more, some of the time, these identities can conflict against implicit office rules, frequently creating tension between workers. 
Corporate Etiquette alludes to a set of doctrines which an individual must have and should follow while working. These etiquette’s are quite visible at some workplaces while being very subtle in some other places based on the company culture. Corporate Etiquette simply helps you carry on sensibly and appropriately in the work environment to make an everlasting professional impression. These simple rules below should be a good start to following corporate etiquettes.


1. Reach meetings on time 
Everybody's time is significant, so try to be on time to meetings. It will also give different workers a chance to see the discipline and punctuality you live by.  One should also make an effort to respect everyone and their time commitment.
2. Always be thankful
This sort of energy can reduce a ton of strain and worry from the work environment. Offering thanks feel empowered as well as persuades workers to work better. It's a truly extraordinary practice for each office colleague to practice in their professional as well as personal life. 
3. Connect with your colleagues.
Socializing at the workplace hiringplugA motivating and best way of performing a task or doing work at an organization is through team work which comes with connecting and building relationships with people at work. Connecting with individuals in the workplace helps build up a comfortable environment. It is necessary to have an ice-breaker session where new employees can get acquainted with the team at work. Alternatively, breaks during the day in the office is the perfect opportunity to connect with your colleagues.
4. Respect others way of working 
An interesting aspect of working with a wide range of identities is that one gets a chance to encounter different work styles. Everybody works in different way based on personalities. Everyone has the privilege to express his/her working style and work in a way which appears to be agreeable. Always remember that your manager is in superior position because she / he has earned it and therefore respecting their opinion will lead to learning. It is perhaps the difference in people which also adds a dimension of distinctiveness to the workforce.
5. Use a professional email id for professional correspondence
Do make a professional individual business email address. Ensure that it is unique to you, doesn’t contain funny names or number and use it for all correspondence related to work. This is useful especially when you meet with cross-functional teams within the same company and also to connect with new individuals at networking and conference events which sends out a professional image about yourself. 


1. Do not over- groom yourself 
It is important to dress smart and display your best professional behaviour. However, there is a tendency for people to overdo it and this unacceptable in a professional environment. For example, simple suits, jackets, trousers and dresses are acceptable with minimal perfume or deodorant. But heavy usage of make-up, perfume and other unnecessary accessories either tend to get in the way of your work or do not add much to your performance and should be done away with.
2. Do not take personal calls at your desk
taking personal calls at work hiringplugNobody has time to hear one's discussions about personal or family matters. Consider this as a big NO! Always take personal calls away from the desk because it is not only disruptive, but it is inadvertently intrusive as well. It not only distracts the mind of co-workers but also takes away valuable office time that could be used to do something productive. Only answer professional calls at your desk and save everything else for your break time.
3. Don't get too personal with colleagues 
Becoming more acquainted with the colleagues with different preferences is incredible. Knowing each other is the best approach to successful correspondence. Be that as it may, be watchful with what you share. Try not to get excessively personal with anybody and avoid any contentious talks which would lead to arguments. 
4. Do not regard your office as your home 
Sleeping at work hiringplugThe workspace should be clean and tidy. One's cabin may have a family bunch photo, a plant or something memorable and close to you. But, keeping heaps of individual material at the workplace cabin is also a big NO. Also remember the space at work is shared with other colleagues which means respecting others space, keeping noise down and best behaviour up.
5. Do not go against the work dress code 
Until and unless a weekday has been set aside as a 'dress down day' or you work in a company where a casual dress code is welcome, one ought not to think once about wearing casual clothing to the workplace. A few rules are compulsory to be followed when working in a corporate establishment and following the dress code is one of them.
Posted in : Work Culture 
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