The future isn't what it used to be!

The pace of innovation and implementation of technology in all industries today has led to evolution of jobs within organizations. If one looks at jobs within HR in the last two decades, it is evident that HR’s role within organizations has evolved from just hiring employees, payroll and compliance to a host of new roles within employee engagement, learning and development and most importantly in strategic planning for organizational growth. Some of the roles within HR have become significant enough today that, they have outgrown to become independent departments of their own within companies. While new roles will be prevalent to assist the functioning of these departments, new roles will follow to assist organizations adapt to a competitive business environment.
future of jobs hiringplug future of work
1. Global Talent Scout
  • The primary role is to scout talent from around the world to enable organizations plan strategically for growth using the skillsets of such talent.
  • These roles will also be responsible for bridging gaps in required organizational skillsets. 

2. Organizational Engineer
  • organization The role of organizational engineers will be to match the company culture and values with employees. The effectiveness of organizational engineer’s will be based on how well individuals interact with each other as well as with the company in terms of engagement. Team performance, cultural fitment and efficiency of cross-functional teams will be KPI’s of an organizational engineer.
  • Strategic growth plans for individuals, teams and forecasting performance will be one of several responsibilities.
  • Designing new organizational structure’s for expansion to enhance organizational performance in new markets and checking feasibility of such plans will also be a part of this role. 
3. Social Policy and Community Relationship Manager
  • These roles will be responsible for managing the company’s CSR policies and creating good PR for the company’s cultural values, ethics and mission to enhance the company’s reputation in the community. 
  • Creating social goals among employees to engage a connection between employees, will also be top priorities for this role.
  • Implementing good ethics, guiding organizational leaders to make decisions that are community friendly and that contribute to society’s enhancement will also be crucial for Community relationship managers.  

4. Virtual Culture Architect
  • VCA’s will ensure governance of the company culture and will guide leaders and individuals at all levels make decisions that reflect the company’s values. They will also act as brand advocates and evangelists.
  • Other roles will also include helping organizations in times of Mergers and Acquisitions where the chances for clash of company cultures are potentially high. VCA’s in such cases will become mediators who help organizations redesign culture to enable mergers grow successfully.
  • Companies such as Google already have roles such as these in the organization. 
5. Data and Talent Integrator
  • With the growth in Big data and analytics, Data & Talent Integrators will be responsible for providing insights, providing feedback and mapping talent, performance and growth objectives of the organization.
  • Professionals in these roles will also be looking at passive candidates, running tests on suitability in terms of skillsets using existing and past data on employee performance with such skills and then pass the outcomes of these tests to Talent Acquisition Managers for review.
happiness officer hirinplug
  • This will be an evolved role of employee engagement personnel.
  • Ensuring employee wellness and happiness will be the primary task for CHO’s. These roles have already been integrated into companies like Zappo’s to increase employee satisfaction.
7. Reward Specialist 
  • This role will be closely linked with CHO’s to determine compensation, benefits and other initiatives to boost employee morale, engagement and performance
  • Designing innovating ways for employees to be rewarded and engage with the company will be part of this role. This may also include providing employee choices for working styles – part-time, full-time, remote working or a combination that may enrich employee productivity.
8. Talent Champion
  • Unlike a Talent Scout, Talent Champion’s will be focused inward within an organization in identifying potential talent who can be taken to senior and leadership roles.
  • Their primary responsibility for these individuals is to enable everyone within the organization to grow and selectively pick the top performing individuals within various departments.
  • Large organizations will accommodate several such roles as an extension of their Learning and Development program.
Are you future ready?
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