Being a veteran in Human Resource, Rita felt that she was no longer able to work in a 12 hour environment or carry back undue pressure at home. This was affecting not only her quality of work but affecting personal relationships too. She felt bounded by shackles and locked-in to someone else’e archaic vision of recruitment. She did the unthinkable and bid adieu after 7 years in the company, to embark on the journey of freelancing.

Fast forward to Year 2019… Meet Rita - version 2.0

She has now been working as an independent recruiter and hasn’t looked back since 5 years of being an entrepreneur. She rises from her bed at will, converses with new people everyday and happily sips her coffee with her loved ones without any guilt. Oh, she makes way more money than before and is answerable only to herself. She’s lucky to pursue her passion of finding people jobs - a very noble & satisfying profession indeed.
I wanted to be my own boss and set my own goals. Now, I work from the comfort of my home and spend quality time with my family too. It has been a game changer for my career as well - Rita
Rita has paved her way to success. Like Rita, there are many people who either couldn’t resume career after a break and / or have a burning desire to be 'Independent'.
hiringplug empowering gig recruiters

Becoming a freelance recruiter comes with it’s own set of challenges. These biggest of all is finding new clients, followed by collection of payments, or building a relationship with remote clients and many other administrative concerns. Thats where hiringplug™  steps-in.

Welcome to the world of “Gig Recruiters” 

hiringplug™ is a curated marketplace of recruiters that enables employers to
acquire quality talent, faster.

hiringplug recruitment marketplace

 hiringplug™ empowers Freelance / Gig recruiters and boutique recruitment agencies to expand their business by providing free access to a variety of job mandates to work on and never worry about business development or even collection of payments. 

hiringplug™ is also trusted by hundreds of recruitment firms because:-
  • Its free to join and requires no upfront investment.
  • Access to marketplace of employers and qualified job listings makes it possible for recruiters to work on multiples jobs of their interest and specialisation. 
  • Transparent Fee structure without any hassles of following up on payments.
  • Feature of engagement and communication with employers greatly helps to Enhance Credibility with the use of referrals, endorsements, favourites and ratings.
  • Use of advanced technologies including AI and ML makes the process very efficient, easy to use and intuitive. Resume parsing technology helps save many hours of effort per week for recruiters. AI based knowledge graphs maps and matches skill sets to jobs giving a competetive advantage to member recriters, automatic candidate status updates and much more.
hiringplug recruitment marketplace for gig recruiters and freelancershiringplug empowering gig recruiters

Partner with hiringplug™ and work on a variety of job mandates catering to your specialisation!

Posted in : Gig recruiters 
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