How many times does it happen that you work so hard and prepare for every uncertainty that may take place in your interview and yet the result is a dreaded rejection letter, email or phone call? Job Rejections can be very frustrating and unpleasant. It's How you handle rejection, that builds your character & prepares you for the better.

It’s necessary for you to realize that the way you handle rejection plays a role, almost as important as your CV does. One must never let a rejection lower confidence or doubt in abilities.

Here are some effective ways in dealing with rejection:
- It’s not always about you: Certain things are beyond your control. The basis of a recruiter’s decision is never made apparent to you. Therefore, try not to read too much into your rejection. Such decisions are often not reliant only on your performance. For example: The company may already be having an internal candidate who is familiar with the business or some other candidate maybe having more experience than you, which you can do nothing about.
- A fresh outlook: Don’t carry the baggage of the past with you. Getting rejected once does not mean things will go against you every time. Approach every new opportunity with a positive attitude. Different employers have different perspectives about an “ideal candidate”. Therefore, learn from the mistakes you made in your past interviews but do not keep it in the forefront of your mind for it will just add onto your nervousness. Also, don’t forget to tailor your CV accordingly. Have a fresh outlook along with being true to your personality and experiences.
- Don’t consider rejection as the ultimate feedback: Do not be under the misconception that just because you got rejected, whatever you said or did was wrong. It is perfectly fine to politely ask the recruiter for a detailed feedback in order to improve yourself. Gracefully acepting the feedback while being cordial in your response, may actually land you back for reconsideration, if it reopens.
"Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to the error that counts." - Nikki Giovanni
- Utilize the temporary setback to upskill: Nikki Giovanni once said: Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to error that counts." Convert this temporary set-back to realize your improvement areas and upskill yourself. Utilise the rejection to learn and positively impact your future opportunities.
- Build Resilience: Overcoming the obstacles on your way to success is extremely essential in today’s rapidly changing environment. Facing such challenges helps in both building your self-understanding as well as your ability to deal with disappointment and bounce back with an even stronger mind.
- Work on your weaknesses: Merely identifying your weaknesses won’t land you on your dream job. It is equally important to work on them. Enhance your technical as well as communication skills, enroll yourself in more projects, practice interviews with friends and family and increase your chances of getting selected.
Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts. – Winston Churchill. So, consider a job rejection as an opportunity to learn & prepare for something better and the right attitude will make you stronger. :)