What is a king without his army?
What is a leader without his team? A Committed, skillful and Loyal team is a key ingredient for success.

Treat employees like they make a difference and they will! ” - Jim Goodnight

Employees make a difference regardless of the importance of their respective roles in a company; whether they are in a senior position or in a minor one, whether they’re an intern or a permanent employee; no matter how insignificant their contribution could seem to be, they can and will very much make a difference in the long run. Every input is valuable and is potentially a performance catalyzer. “Employee engagement” is therefore increasingly gaining momentum amongst Board room discussions. Statistics prove that

“People don’t leave their companies, they leave their Bosses!”

Good leaders form an engaged workforce.
So let's define "Employee Engagement"

Employee engagement is a workplace approach resulting in the right conditions for all members of an organization to give of their best each day, committed to their organization’s goals and values, motivated to contribute to organizational success, with an enhanced sense of their own well-being.”
Employee engagement literally begins when the concept of “I” in the employee’s mind evolves into a “We”. When they consider the company, they work for, as their own, it’s only then, that we’re allowed to say they’re engaged in the righteous manner.  And it goes beyond that: it’s when they grasp fully and properly their role in an organization, are aware of what it takes to fulfill that role and are passionate to make a difference. It’s about having positive attitudes and behaviours, being loyal, dedicated and proud to be part of a company and its vision.

The real challenge for the companies, however, is how to nurture the sense of belonginess. One of the most iconic examples would be Google

Their philosophy of motivating employees is based on Transparency, Flexibility and Inspiration at work. Google is an Industry benchmark in employee benefits. Employees are delighted by their corporate offerings such as legal assistance, superior maternity benefits, financial support for adopting a child, continued family income upon death of an employee, free lunches, on-site car wash, bike repairs, dry cleaning, Gym, massage therapy, hair styling, fitness center, on-site medical assistance are also available at the company’s headquarters.

 But, it’s not just Benefits!
Leadership style, organisation’s culture & policies also play a vital role. Here's a
Leader’s guide to drive engagement:

  • Set a good example: It is very crucial for the group to have inspiring leadership for understanding their needs and apprehensions. This should be able to keep them stimulated throughout their association;
  • Ask for inputs: This is one of the most important things that can be done. It can make the other person feel wanted. It necessary to convey that they are critical to the place and their views do matter;
  • Be courteous: Manners and etiquettes cannot be bought by money. No matter at which level of organization, an employee is involved, they have a right to be acknowledged and respected;
  • Show that you care about their efforts: An occasional appraisal is always welcomed. This is seen because no matter how much we grow up, a pat on the back is always encouraging;
  • Help them secure a good work-life balance: Think about how would a person be able to work with zeal and efficiency when his/her mind is else ware. If this balance is not right, there are high chances of an employee getting frustrated and calling it quits.
  • Give rewards: Who doesn’t like to be rewarded for their job? It is highly significant as it serves as a source of positive reinforcement;
  • Give occasional breaks: You must have heard of the saying “all work no play makes Jack a dull boy”.  A break given at the right time can do wonders in bringing back someone’s lost enthusiasm;

Lack of empathy and pressurizing tea
m members with fastidious tasks and having a non-meritorious culture of discrimination and distrust easily disintegrates a team.

Engagement is Good for business

“Engaged workers have 6% higher net profit margins”

To win in the marketplace you must first win in the workplace.” - Doug Conant, former CEO of Campbell’s Soup


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