Employee engagement refers to creating an environment where employees feel involved in their work, such that it does not take effort on part of the management. Below are some of the solutions to enhancing employee engagement that every business must keep in mind.
• Impart Clear Expectations
A current study demonstrated that 71% of representatives consented to the way that conveying what is anticipated from them is the most extreme need of every worker. Each branch of the organization must ensure that every representative knows his/her objectives and furthermore knows the moral rules that encompass the assignment.
• Stop interfering

After delegating tasks, quit interfering in their tasks every now and then. After assigning tasks to employees, they must be given sufficient time and space to creatively complete these tasks which ensure they are engaged by choice and not because of a manager. This boosts a feeling of authority, which prompts feeling more associated with the work they are doing. An interfering supervisor/manager or micromanager can actually hamper the growth, trust and efficiency of the worker.
• Remain Connected to Maintain Trust
Engaged employees trust their supervisors. The most important task for any supervisor or manager is to build up trust in the minds of employees. Distrust usually happens when employees do not feel any connection with the business. Companies who communicate with clarity can boost employee morale and engagement through keeping transparency between the leaders and the team. Communication need not necessarily be in the form of physical meetings, it can be through e-mails, telephone calls or video calls. A survey conducted at TCS, Jamshedpur revealed that the senior executives of the company have trust in their employees. The big success of the company is only because of the ideas that its employees present. The same has been possible because the company had complete trust in their individuals and rewarded them to motivate their ideas to become more appreciable.
• Know the reason for employee exits
Pulse studies are intended to track employee turnover reasons after some time, so conduct inquiries and surveys regularly. Possibly set a quarterly objective and make a comparative inquiry about that objective consistently. This will enable the employer to understand the reasons that hinder the growth of the organization.
• Organising mentoring programs
One survey conducted at ‘Proctor and Gamble’-an American consumer good corporation, showed that employees who got proper mentoring were more engaged to work for the betterment of the organisation. The company had a college intern program, whereby it provided training to freshers with the senior management to actually understand the level of competition that is present in this century. These mentoring programs helped the company to get a huge response in terms of goal achievement and efficient working environment. Another example of a company which follows this type of mentoring programs is M.D Anderson Cancer Centre.
• Don’t keep secrets

Secrets don't enable anybody to grow. Sharing the problems or the success with the department is also very important. Have a go at posting the outcomes on a noticeboard so colleagues can feel happy about their achievements. This way of appreciation can likewise expand employee engagement. SAP SE- a multinational German software enterprise does not believe in the idea of keeping secrets from its employees. There is a two-way communication channel within the company and any grievances of any of the side is discussed and solved.
• Let decisions be taken according to results
Appreciation or rewards should be based on outcomes. Pulse overviews are futile on the off chance that they don't affect future results, so leave criticism and examination behind the administration chain. Regularly check the work schedule of the organization. Make alter arrangements and processes in case of any problems. The most important aspect is that the best reviews or best employee engagement can shape the eventual fate of a successful business.
A survey was conducted at Southwest Airlines, wherein the company stated that it has flexible rules for its employees. Decisions are taken according to what the employees find fit. They even asserted that whenever any policy of the company seems to act as a hurdle in the development of the organization, employees help in changing the terms of the policy which would help the customer.
Regardless of the approach to build engagement which may vary from company to company, the end goal is the same - to have happy and engaged employees who love what they do and do it to the very best of their abilities. While some of these practices may help build engagement there is always more room for innovation.