Steve Jobs once said, “Quality is more important than quantity. One home run is much better than two doubles.” This is where our mass recruitment companies fail. Multinationals such as Wipro, TCS, Infosys, and Cognizant visit colleges annually and recruit students large numbers from each and every branch. What is the reason behind this? The simple fact is that they just focus on the quantity of the students recruited rather than the quality or the talent they possess. Have you ever seen Facebook or Microsoft allowing 600 plus students to sit in its first round of recruitment? This is where they maintain their standard and recruit for quality. Such companies come with a higher package and acquire just one or two students and train those students to create quality work whereas the mass recruiters come with a package of two-three lacs per annum and want their new hires to carry out redundant tasks with less focus on innovation and quality of work.
These companies might fascinate the students and help with increasing employment in the country, but they do not add to the quality of work and lack in opportunities for young professionals to innovate in their fields. Their whole target is to attract their clients by showing a higher headcount and seize new projects using this as leverage for quicker project turnaround which is favourable to most clients. While it helps most clients to have projects delivered earlier, the quality of work will be questionable. Whereas, the young professionals who delivered projects have mostly only done so through previous standard procedures of completing a project based on similar work delivered to other clients, in other words professionals experience little to no more to explore innovative ideas. There are other limitations to working in such a company too which are listed below.
Work is devalued: You won’t be allowed to have your own opinions and perspectives; you will have to do just what is directed. The simple motto to follow working in these companies is “Just do what they say and in the way instructed.” You won’t be allowed to choose your work or your work style. Nobody will know you in the entire company except your team.
Office Politics: You might avoid being part of the office politics but you will somehow become a part of it active or passive. A startup is like a Tree, it strengthens with time not only the stem but every branch of it. In MNCs you’re just the person watering trees in exchange for money and you can’t even sit in its shade. There will be bureaucracy and politics involved due to which you won’t be appreciated for the work you do and won’t get enough incentives or appraisals in return for your hard work which eventually kills the zeal or the enthusiasm to work.
Time: You will be spending more time with Microsoft Office suite rather than with your own soulmate. Technically the working hours might be from 10 in the morning to 5 in the evening which sounds pretty simple and interesting. But the truth is, you will be mostly asked to work extra due to deadlines or to support side projects. You may be allowed to work from home time to time but still be expected to work and also use your personal time to complete projects if need be.
- Less exposure: Due to the redundant technologies, underperforming technical teams, large number of employees, a candidate can never get enough exposure or experience. He/She might complete 2-3 years in the company and add it to their CV but in reality, it would be 2-3 years of time spent with little experience rather than 2-3 years of performance and growth.
Working in MNC’s where there is little to no space for growth and innovation may not be the end of the world but it hampers growth and potential of a candidate. This can severely affect an individual who has great potential but doesn’t have the opportunity to explore this and grow. There may be other alternatives to working in giant MNC’s such as working in medium, small or even startup enterprises with the only limitation of these being the pay package or benefits that may not be as rewarding as big multinationals but which give young professionals the room to grow and eventually move on to bigger challenges.
When all think alike, there is no actually thinking done.