Have you ever wanted to begin a career search and not known where to start? Well, you're not alone! Whether you’re fresh out of college and looking for your first job, or you’re simply tired of your current job and need a change. As a jobseeker, there are a few things you should keep in mind while you’re on the lookout. While most of us may be aware of these things, we often tend to overlook them since they may seem so obvious.

1. The first impression - Your Resume
While it may seem like a mere formality, your resume is very likely to influence your chances of getting hired. Before seeing you, the first thing a recruiter or an employer sees, is your resume, which often determines whether or not you even get called in for an interview. Additionally, many recruiters too decide whether or not to pursue a candidate based on a 5 minute reading of your resume. Your resume has the ability to  make or break your job prospects — which means you should probably be spending some time perfecting it.

So, make sure that you craft your Jobseekers hiringplug blogresume with utmost professionalism. Keep your resume simple and to the point. Be straightforward and avoid trying to cheat the system. Remember, both Recruiters and HR professionals go through 100s of resumes and Interview dozens of people. If you're trying to cover up for deficiencies in your profile by using fancy language, they will know. Avoid overusing cliches too. The same goes for design. Make sure your resume is easy to read and tells the employer what he/she needs to know instead of having them get frustrated because they’re wasting too much time trying to find the information they need. Avoid too much design, inappropriate fonts, clip art images, or emojis. Unless you're applying for a job in the Design Industry, a simple, crisp resume is always preferable.  You must also carefully proofread your resume. Poor grammar or spelling errors are usually indicative of sloppiness and a candidate’s lack of attention to details. You can also have someone else proofread it for you so that any discrepancies you missed can be rectified.

2. Prompt communication
Be it the recruiter, the employer or someone who may have referred you to the organisation. No one likes it when candidates Ghost. Not only is it rude and disrespectful, but it also says volumes about your professionalism. Work environments often ask for a number of uncomfortable conversations. Ghosting and running away from such situations isn’t a quality anyone wants in an employee. Even if you decide not to go for the interview or to reject the offer, the last thing you should do is to keep someone hanging. Afterall, you never know when that might come back to haunt you.

Jobseekers hiringplug blog

3. Get better at "Emailing" - a Life Skill
While at many places the application process may not include interaction over email, it can always help if you follow up after an interview with a thank you email. Many a times hiring managers are interviewing multiple people for a position and may take a decision once they have interviewed all the prospective candidates. During this time, dropping a personalised thank you email is not only courteous, but will also set your name apart from the rest of the applicants. It may not get you the job, but it will definitely put you in consideration. When sending such emails, ensure it is personalized and sent to the right person ; this shows that you’ve done your groundwork. As a known fact, personalized emails also tend to get more opens and responses. Do avoid being too pushy though, just a short note along with a simple thank you will suffice.

4. Your Body talks  
You’ve probably heard this before, yet most candidates don’t take it seriously enough. Body language conveys what words do not! Being aware of your posture, your hands, whether or not you're relaxed, all will help you exude confidence. Meanwhile paying attention to the interviewer's body language can help you gauge whether or not you're on the right track. Needless to say however, make sure that you are well groomed and dressed appropriately. You may be the best at what you do, but if you’re shabbily dressed, it goes to say a lot about your professionalism and how serious you are about the opportunity. Someone who just throws on the first thing he/she finds in their closet gives off the impression that they don’t care enough to make an effort.  We can try as we may to insist that appearance doesn’t matter, but we all know that it does in fact play a role somewhere.

"The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said." - Peter Drucker

5.  It's a Small World
Always remember that your current interaction with the hiring manager as well as with employers, may impact your future applications. The information that you provide and the recruiter’s final impression of you is invariably documented in an applicant tracking system or in the recruiter’s own database. Be careful of facts, opinions and preferences you share. You must also be wary of the way you handle rejection. You never know what led to your rejection. Maybe the company had some reason for having to give the job to someone else. It never hurts to be gracious and polite while handling rejection. This doesn’t mean you should act aloof about it. Convey your disappointment, but also make sure you end the interaction on a positive note. Chances are that the company may consider you for other positions or may reach out to you at a later time if they see fit. On the other hand, being nasty will only blacklist you from the company.

So, set your mind to it, and remember, “You don't have to be good to start ... you just have to start to be good!”
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