If you’re analyzing the way you think, questioning the things rather than accepting them simply and presenting your conclusion with a valid proof and evidence, we call this ability as Critical Thinking.

It extends more to the skill of challenging the assumptions related to issues and practices, also a crucial skill in many workplace scenarios. A Critical Thinker questions gained knowledge, declines the fictional stories or non-scientific notions, inspects the information sources considering all the point of views regarding the statement. Being clear and wise, he is open minded and able to make reasoned judgments to the respective argument and draw cautious conclusions as well. From solving questions in class to dealing with real world hurdles, Critical thinking skills give you a valuable edge. It teaches you the skills that you can apply in every situation of your life that reasons for reflection, evaluation, and planning, thus enabling you to spot numerous opportunities for growth.

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Thinking clearly and rationally is important before we choose to do something thus avoiding hasty decisions. Many times it is seen that whenever we are asked to do something, we rush off and start solving the knot even before we understand what the task is. Here, the importance of being calm and thinking critical is very high than making greater comprehensive efforts. The critical thinking process helps you to distinguish your approach and the solution developed by you instead of making hasty decisions without any thought at all. Hence, Critical thinking approach promotes you to be a good decision maker and the things will seem to be more easier. You begin to leave excuses, intitutions behind and begin to work more analytically thus resulting in sounder decision making.

Today, information and technology drive the whole global knowledge economy, so one needs to deal with the change frequently and effectively. The new economy is a workplace that demands intellectual skills with a steady flexibility and analyzation to put the integrated diverse knowledge while making conclusions. Here, Critical Thinking promotes such thinking in the world of work. It is the vital skill to express your ideas in a systemic way with valid evidence, thus enhancing your language and presentation skills as well.

Also, it influences the level of creativity while solving any problem with the generation of new ideas relevant to the respective task. At the same time, Critical Thinking plays a crucial role in self-reflection and self-evaluation, if one seeks for a meaningful life, he needs to justify and reflect on values and conclusions. It's considered as the foundation of science and an open-minded democratic society. Also, the functioning of a liberal society needs people who think critically about the happenings and issues to raise a good decision making and to make judgments to governance along with avoiding prejudice and biases too.

Critical thinking is valued everywhere, from schooling to professional scenario. From the development of your judgment making and problem-solving abilities, it helps you to be a good observer and enlightens you to think outside the box, to understand the content deeper. Critical thinking presents you a bigger picture of the critique ideas, thus enables you to make links to various disciplines and offers perks to the way of getting ahead. A critical thinker knows how to distinguish facts from opinions, he examines an idea with every dimension of its phase, he knows to make reasoned inferences while repressing biases at the same time. Critical thinking raises you to reason to most of the panic situations and hysteria. A critical thinker considers all possible options confidently and calmly, ignoring scams or tricks. Meanwhile, Critical thinkers are good spectators and wiser people too.

Critical thinking follows the idea - "Work Smarter, Not Harder". Time isn't the limitation to the rational critical thinkers, they seek to overcome any situation and discoverer shortcuts. They are masters to efficient working. Mastering in Critical thinking skills will give you an ability to overcome your emotions while making an important decision. Learning to think critically may seem to be hard but the efforts are worthwhile. The self-evaluation ability will make you distinguish good decisions from bad. If you're a Critical thinker, you'll always get the best. So if you are not, then start thinking critically!

Be wise. Be a Critical thinker.  Cheers!

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