With businesses facing complex problems and the need to respond quickly to meet client needs, there is a necessity for solutions which are quick, remotely accessible, easy to run and instantly deliverable. This is where SaaS based solutions come into the picture. What this actually means is that Software as a Service (SaaS) is implemented by companies to carry out complex tasks and processes under a single platform or sometimes with the help of integrated software. A report from ZDNET, a technology site that reviews enterprise software suggests that there is a rise of 20.3% year on year growth in the companies who have adopted SaaS based solutions for their businesses. With an ever growing number of companies looking to adopt SaaS based solutions, one must also look at areas where SaaS can assist and boost productivity for a company for better profitability and lower costs of operation

Benefits of SaaS in Operations

1. Higher Productivity 
•  What this means is that the implementation of SaaS can actually reduce the time that it took for an individual to get the work done in the fraction of time. 
•  When cloud computing was introduced in companies it revolutionized the way they worked as it increased productivity by more than 16.5% in companies through remote and faster access, ability to store data remotely which reduces the liability of data loss.

2. Reduced costs

• low cost recruitment solutionsThe growth in the number of SaaS vendors in the marketplace and a competitive environment has led to a wide choice of solutions for businesses to choose from at very affordable prices
•  With most SaaS based solutions operating over the cloud or not requiring site visits for installation or maintenance, companies save time and money since all updates happen over a secure cloud server which is then rolled out to clients.
About 54.3% of the total companies today rely on SaaS based suites and software for the various functions including but not limited to HR, payroll, sales and marketing.

3. Increased Efficiency

Efficiency in HRMost SaaS based solutions help to streamline, simplify or integrate existing processes to form productive solutions for their clients while also generating data and insights in real-time that is useful for a company to understand its efficiency.
Companies who have implemented SaaS based solutions in some form have shown to have increased revenue by 4% - 5% annually. 

SaaS in HR operations

SaaS plays a vital role in most departments today, and this is no different to HR where it can enhance and assist with various functions from recruiting, employee engagement, performance and learning. Melany Gallant , a HR practitioner suggests that with regards to employee turnover close to 30%-40% of all companies fail to full identify key areas where a SaaS based solution can exponentially enhance processes in the following ways.

  • With the web based applications, HR operations can be carried out seamlessly. This is useful when data or information needs to be transferred across organizations and needs to be error free and contain very little bias which is possible with analytics, insights and past performance which can all be tracked with modern SaaS HR applications.

  • SaaS can analyze a department’s challenges, bottlenecks and other issues in the workflow and offer solutions which can also be tracked effectively to provide insights.

  • Studies have shown us that SaaS tends to be more agile and tends to be 5 times more productive than the normal human task force in a respective department of its application. This is especially useful with companies where large workload is required to be processed with efficiency cross-functionally within the organization.

  • Several different issue HR faces with regards to attrition, lower rate of engagement, employee turnover, performance, health related issues can all be identified, tracked and benchmarked by modern SaaS platforms which gives HR an edge. This would further help make data-driven decisions and see improved performance subsequently.

SaaS solutions have been in the marketplace for a short time, however with the pace of innovation seen today, most businesses who haven’t employed SaaS solutions need to act fast as they become the foundation for tomorrow’s innovation and technology which may integrate into existing solutions. HR is one area where SaaS has successfully been applied and the results are helping businesses tackle fundamental challenges thereby allowing them to focus on core functions with confidence.
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