"AI will augment HR and give HR time to work on more strategic business issues."

The revolution of the internet was one major way several industries were impacted not very long ago. Similarly we are witnessing another major revolution underway currently which is the growth of Artificial Intelligence. AI is impacting several different industries just like the Internet did twenty years ago. Within HR, recent studies show there is a 71% increase in the way that HR teams adopted AI in some form to address challenges or streamline their existing processes. Deploying AI in the right areas of an organization within HR can create several strategic opportunities for the organization, in terms of finding the right people, higher talent retention, better performance of existing employees and plotting out strategic plans for the future. 
Under AI itself, there comes another part – automation, that it gives recruiters an easier time to choose the right candidate rather than filtering thousands of applications. While there are several areas under AI such as Natural Language Processing, Machine learning, Predictive analytics, Automation, algorithms and so on, this article will focus on automation within AI.

How is AI currently used?

1. No more ad-hoc activites for HR
  • With tools such as automation, predictive analysis, talent relationship and other data algorithms. AI takes over the screening, sorting and filtering activities such that you can focus on the core activity which is assessing and hiring the right person. 
  • AI-based systems that include chatbots and machine learning constantly adapt to your style of hiring candidate types. hiringplug™ for example, helps employers hire the right talent faster through their marketplace of recruitment agencies who use their domain expertise coupled with hiringplug’s intuitive and intelligent AI to source and provide several highly relevant profiles to employers for the designated job listing.  
2.  AI – your new mentor and teacher
  • With the pace of technology and innovation surpassing the expertise of people using them has created new challenges such as the skills required to understand and use these systems to enhance the efficiency of work.
  • AI and machine learning favors in and helps in providing these micro classes or seminars where it helps employees to understand and even get insights into their performance which is gauged by AI.
  • There are certain programs that are designed in such a way to understand the requirement of the employees and provide them with the right kind of videos or classes to help them understand the task much better. 
3. AI to scout your next leader for the organization
  • Artificial IntelligenceChoosing the next leader to head the company in the right direction can be a tough task at hand and can ensue several possibilities of wrong choices as well. 
  • But with the implementation of AI and machine learning, your new assistant can detect the prime candidate for the position through candidate tracking, measuring key performance indicators as well as benchmarking favourable traits and values with those of the candidates screened to find the best fit. 
4. Synchronizing candidate skills to the job.
  • With advanced analytics, automation, predictive analytics and pattern detection, organizations are now moving to AI- configured processes where the most efficient system workflow, matching the jobs with the abilities of the candidate is possible.
  • One can say that AI plays a vital role in ensuring that people do have the right kind of work in the company and as a result employee engagement is bound to follow.

Yet, There is only so far one can take the usage of AI in HR. It is much easier to raise a concern or discuss an issue with an HR professional whom you know and have built a relationship with. It is important the human face of HR doesn't get lost.
Posted in : HR Technology 
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