There are innumerable candidates who have impressive qualifications, are bright sparks who also possess great management skills and yet clearing an interview round gets them sweating. Quite often, the issue isn't with their knowledge but a lot more on how they physically handle the situation.
A key decising factor in all interviews remains to be "Body language". Body language is basically understood as non-verbal communication involving the movement and gestures of the body. Some researchers state that the effect of Body language is as high as 80% in comparison to all communication. A more precise research gives a numerical distribution of a 7%-38%-55% rule, denoting the impact of communication by words, tone, and body language respectively.

Since an interview is all about communication, it is quite obvious that body language plays a dominant role in the interview process. Lets break this further into different aspects: -
Make an awesome Entrance
The interview begins even before you get to the interview room even without your knowledge!  You never know who could be with in the parking lot, who's looking at you from a window or who you might have asked directions from! Your body should shout out to anyone who might be watching that you're confident and calm. It's not the time for you to hurriedly rehearse some pre-  learned answers or search for copies of your CV from your cluster of documents. First Impression the best impression While at the waiting lounge, don't hunch your back or tuck your chin into your  palm, which will make you seem uninterested like someone pushed you there. Sit with your back straight and your shoulders out and chest open -- signs that you're confident and positive at same time be conscious enough not to overdo it and seem over confident.
Important Steps
That walk into the interview room till the desk is the perfect time for the interviewer to observe your body language. It's your time to make that impression!  Always follow the person who is the hiring manager or his assistant, to show you understand your position enough!
This doesn't mean you are on the red carpet flashing your smile, posting for photographs! Better is the smile that happens spontaneously when you meet a new person for the first time: warm, curious and open. Ultimately that’s how you should see your interviewer whom you’re eager to meet. A good smile can put you across as a happy, confident person  who would love to work in their space.
Along with your smile, your handshake can make or break your image for the rest of the interview. Wait for the interviewer to extend his hand first and then shake their hand firmly and warmly. Don't be too hard or too loose. Also be careful with the length (timing) nothing’s more awkward than an over-long handshake. Also don't cover the hand of the interviewer with your other hand. It shows your dominant nature which is better to be avoided.
Eye Contact
The eyes are said to be the windows to the soul and this is especially true in the case of a job interview. Employers are always looking for unspoken clues in the candidates face and body language. That is what makes you stand out from the others. Your eyes tend to give away a lot. Looking away too much says that you’re evasive or untrustworthy. Staring can say that you may be aggressive or simply weird. Throughout try to maintain eye contact by paying attention to what is being told to you. It's easier when you concentrate.
No matter how well you behave at the beginning of the interview, through the course of time,  the way you move your body parts can go out of your head. Once the interviewer starts asking questions, you may start fidgeting and things like that. In order to avoid this problem, use your hands to make gestures in support  to your answers. But  careful enough so that you are non distractive and not going over- the- top.
The Art of Departing
At the end of the interview, gather your belongings neatly, rise  gently,  smile and  slightly nod your head. Shake your hands with the hiring manager and then leave. Maintain your poise and calmness until out of the interview room.  And then you can jump in joy!

Summarising, mirroring is the key. If you're able to briefly imitate the tone of your interviewer's body language, you'll be able to relate better because you'll be almost be silently speaking the same body language. At the same time, it helps build rapport with the interviewer.
A great body language is half the battle won. Its best to practice with someone comfortable which could help a lot in nailing the interview and landing in your dream job!
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