"If you don’t feel it, flee from it. Go where you are celebrated, not merely tolerated."- Paul F. Davis
A New Career is promising for most and signifies a new phase in one’s personal and professional life. However, after a certain period, there comes a time where an employee is in a situation where a decision must be made whether to move on or stay in the same position. This happens for various reasons, experienced by all but may differ in how soon one may arrive at this point. For some a comfortable workplace, co-workers and compensation may suffice as a motive to remain in the same position while for
7 signs to move on. hiringplug blog
others the lack of growth may drive a sense of restlessness and a need to seek a new role. There can also be external factors that may drive an employee to look for a career change elsewhere and these can include stress, pay, poor working conditions, aggressive bosses or co-workers. Whether it be an internal or external factor that drives the individual to look for a career change, it is critical that one looks out for signs at the workplace to begin seeking this change.
LinkedIn reports that of its 313 million individuals, 25% are dynamic occupation seekers, while 60% can be viewed as passive candidates who are not actively looking or are7 signs to move on. hiringplug blog already in a job role. However, most of the passive candidates agree that if a better role that matched their expectations was offered they would consider a change. Each candidate’s job expectations and motives are unique but the reason most of the candidates leave their current roles can be analysed and broken down into a few key points. It is these points that every employee must ask oneself the question, ‘Where do I stand with respect to this?’, which can yield an answer whether the time is right to consider a change in their career.
Studies have demonstrated that the most joyful movement to late adulthood and seniority includes work that empowers the psyche into consistent learning. This factor becomes more significant for those individuals who crave for growth and demand an environment where they can consistently expand on their skills.  Sometimes the lack of opportunities and inability of the management to identify the true potential of an individual can also starve the individual from potential opportunities for growth.

Here are the 7 signs you should look out for:

1. Failing to meet expectations: At one point or another, when the individual is not able to perform one’s tasks, he/she begins to undermine their employability, potential and also become counter-effective for the organisation. One can become more aware of such a situation through evaluation of one’s skillsets, performance reviews and conversations with their supervisor or managers. If feedback doesn’t change results, even with a change in approach, it is best for the candidate to move on. 
7 signs to move on. hiringplug blog
2. Feeling undervalued: When the appreciation for one’s work is not duly given, there is a high chance for poor morale that eventually will lead to frustration and an urge to look for a better workplace elsewhere. Moreover, individuals who feel underestimated at work will probably burnout and partake in counterproductive work practices, for example, truancy, robbery, and damage. A best practice for employee’s is to assess the employer/management’s feedback and contribution to his/her work and ask crucial questions such as, ‘Have I been credited for my contribution?’, ‘Am I given constructive feedback for growth?’ and ‘Is my role valued for what I contribute to the overall success of the organization?’. 

3. Just for the Money:
Individuals tend to endure Money motivationunrewarding employment conditions for the most part for pay packages and benefits. Studies suggest that employee engagement is three times more subject to characteristic rewards than outward rewards such as pay package, benefits and other monetary rewards. Although most employees are excited at the prospect of a high salary, it should not be a sole reason for one to continue to remain in a job. Instead one has to carry out a self-assessment of characteristic values achieved such as personal growth, satisfaction and work/life balance.

4. Management issues:
As the saying goes,Management issues people don’t quit companies, they quit on people. This suggests management can be a reason for the success of the company or also for its failure. Employees today face various issues at the workplace today that undermine their self-image such as harassment, bullying, harsh criticism, abusive behaviour and a lack of people skills on the part of management. With such cases, the individual has to weigh in the pro’s & cons of leaving a good job against the management/individuals responsible for their unhappiness. If the individual experiences job satisfaction but has conflicts with certain individuals then it should be resolved through HR first before planning for a move. If the entire company culture is such that it doesn’t fit in with the individual’s approach to work, then an immediate move must be made.

5. Redundancy of skills:
Representatives need open doors for progression. Falling into a profession trench is unavoidable when you have turned out to be so fundamental in your present position and there are not many other similar roles in demand. Another pitfall is lack of opportunity for progression in the current role whereby new skills can be acquired. One ought to be constantly benchmarking his/her skills against other similar roles in the market, the sign of decline for such skills should be a pointer for decline in an industry and a suggestion for a career change.

6. Gut for a new challenge
: Some individuals begin to have a sense of belonging to an organization while others do not feel part of a team even after a long period of time. It's smarter to leave a vocation on great terms so you can keep good connections with your past workplace and enjoy a good relationship with the management. Other than all the outward signs that the employment/organization is no longer a place for an individual, tell-tale signs such as lack of motivation to work, enthusiasm of completing projects or celebrating success can all be  hints that a career move is must.

7. Work Stress:
Your physical well-being can also be a pointer Stress at work. hiringplug blogof your psychological well-being, and in case you feel, for the most part, wiped out or have a feeling of continuing discomfort, your employment may be the reason. Most employees are subject to discomfort and momentary periods of stress when major projects are due or assignments are due for delivery under tight deadlines, but prolonged fatigue, tiredness, stress and poor health may be a sign of intense workload and a sign to move to another role.

It can be difficult to differentiate between a ‘here and now disappointment’ and a profound situation related with your employment that demands assessment of the current situation and possible move. Therefore, an employee will have to remain aware in a few key areas such as job satisfaction, growth, market demand for current skills, growth in current role, workplace culture and physical and psychological well-being which be a good gauge for a sound judgement on career change. Taking inspiration from the popular hit single...

"… I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes, I saw the sign
Life is demanding without understanding
I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes, I saw the sign
No one's gonna drag you up to get into the light where you belong…"

"I saw the Sign" - Ace of Base

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