Employee engagement is of paramount importance in today’s competitive business environment. In this fast cycle economy, business pioneers realize that having a high-performing workforce is critical for development and survival. They perceive that a very connected workforce can expand development, profitability, and decrease costs related to maintenance and hiring new employees. An engaged workforce is in tune and the relationship between individuals is just as strong as every individual’s commitment to their work. 
Employee engagement is about understanding one’s role in an organisation, and being sighted and energised on where it fits in the organisation’s purpose and objectives.
Engagement becomes even more important today than ever before because of diversity, globalisation, immigration and large scale of innovation in almost all industries leading to disruption. Only those organisations who are adaptable to the new business environment through strategic changes in their mission can thrive. These strategic changes although set and implemented by leaders of several different organisations, it is the collective effort of the employees, who through an engaged work ethic can achieve these organisational goals.
Worker engagement is a critical issue for organizations. It is a speculation the company needs to make for the benefit of future sealing our association's operational brilliance, authoritative readiness, efficiency, orderly and focused development, hierarchical arrangement and general business execution.
1. Efficiency 
Work efficiency hiringplugA connected workforce and one that is engaged can be highly efficient and produce more with less. 71% of respondents rank representative engagement as essential to making general hierarchical progress (Harvard Business Review, 2016). Engaged workforce means efficiency in the workflow between employees and departments and achievement of organisational goals, twice as faster. Associations with elevated amounts of representative engagement report 22% higher efficiency.

2. Lower Absence Rates 
Causes of employee engagementNot only does high representative engagement lead to increment in proficiency, it diminishes rates of non-appearance. Since connection with workers helps them think about what they do, they perceive the significance of their presence and work as a direct contribution to the organisation’s goals. This implies lower absence rates is a direct result of an engaged workforce. According to a study in the US, absenteeism costs an employer between $15-$35 on average per employee (CDC, 2015).  Absenteeism can also impact the morale and group sentiment, so lower rates of absence boosts morale as well as each employee’s engagement. 

3. Expanded Customers 
When you assemble a culture of learning, improvement, and enthusiasm for work, your representatives deliver better products, service and results for clients. That enhances the experience of your clients, prompting them to return and refer you to others. At the end of the day, representative engagement translates to expanded client engagement. 
4. Increased Innovation 
Worker engagement is imperative to make an inventive culture in any association. In the event that they are locked in, they will work harmoniously, enhance their work ceaselessly and think out of the box to create break-throughs. For organisations to become innovative, it is imperative that engagement must be the first goal. As the employees become engaged with what they do and become aware of the mission, there is a higher probability of devising innovative solutions to address the challenge.

5. Lower Employee Turnover
Employee exits hiringplugAn engaged workforce operates smoothly with lesser conflicts and misunderstandings. With such high morale, efficiency and clear understanding of what is required of each individual, there is bound to be a feeling of belonging to the organisation. This can be boost employee retention, an area which is crucial for organizations to be successful. Several organizations invest heavily in programmes and initiatives to increase staff retention in order to hold on to valuable talent and in some instances, they do work albeit for a short period. The underlying issue still remains at large which is employee morale caused by lack of engagement along with work culture in some cases. 
Employee engagement has become a significant part for every organisation with business leaders consistently investing in ideas, initiatives to enhance the engagement of their workforce. Productivity is no longer measured by results only in today’s world but by several parameters, of which employee engagement becomes an important one. Engaged employees boost an organisation’s results by two-fold compared to a dis-engaged workforce. They are more aware of their responsibilities , take ownership and also mindful of how their contribution can help the organisation achieve its objectives.
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