When we think about Leadership Development we rarely think about hiring and recruitment. One of the most important quality of a great HR leader is creating and sustaining the organisation for success both now and the future.

HR professionals are liaisons among employees, department heads and CEOs. They manage tasks that need to be completed by different people and departments. It also means that identifying and overcoming human resource challenges which are time, money and effort well spent, since the greatest asset a business can boast are its employees.

It is impossible for a human resource manager to effectively provide the right human resource to that a business needs to succeed if they do not have a clear understanding of what qualities a successful HR Manager must have. 

Important qualities of an HR Manager:-
  • Impartial and Objective: A good Human Resource Professional should be able to remain neutral. When dealing with any employee issue, the decision should be impartial and objective. 
  • Self-Discipline: An HR leader has to face numerous issues on a daily basis. It is imperative that you designate a time to complete your most important tasks.
  • Positivity: HR professionals face challenges every single day. And these are challenges related to people, their behaviour and expectations, an equation very difficult to crack. Great HR leaders know that they cannot expect to have a happy and motivated workforce unless they exhibit a positive attitude themselves. They do this by remaining positive and upbeat 
  • Strong interpersonal skills:  The HR manager interacts with various types of people on a daily basis. Much of his day is spent interviewing prospective employees, attending budgeting meetings, addressing concerns from employees and management. Each time he comes into contact with people, he must relate to them so that their questions are properly addressed and the employment sector of the company operates efficiently. He must be a “people person” who likes interacting with others.
Good leadership is about creating inclusive environments. When people are good leaders they make you feel like you fit in. People want to feel appreciated and showing that you are invested in your employees and their well being lets them know you have faith and trust in them. 

HR leaders take special care to keep their employees happy.  Some of these include:-
  • Build a rapport with employees: Establishing a good rapport creates an environment where there is a mutual understanding. Rapport is important since it helps in building trust.
  • Hold weekly meetings with your employees: The meetings should be about updating them about what’s going on in the department and organisation.  Also, make it as interactive as possible. Listen to their inputs and answer their queries honestly.
  • Regular feedback: Give feedbacks to employees so that they know that you care about their efforts.
  • Affability: Make sure that your employees come to you when in need i.e. they should not hesitate even a bit before coming to you for any help.
  • Empowerment and Development: Assign challenging tasks and projects to those employees who want greater responsibilities. Empower them to make their own judgements and decisions on certain projects. 
When you have happy employees, it makes things so much easier. When you have a positive and happy work environment, you have employees who are productive and want to do the best job they can.

"When employees are happy, they are your very best ambassadors."
- James Sinegal

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