"Oh Gosh! Why aren't some palpable things so obvious to them? Why do they keep making so many mistakes?" Are you one of those managers who gets tired of dealing with stiff employees?

Well, here are some nice tips that will help you improve both - your business & your leadership style.

Firstly, Listen!

Employees are people like us, working to earn a living. Although, they may not be as experienced or qualified like we are but, that doesnt mean they aren't here to succeed! If you want your employees to stop leaving jobs, getting obstinate & not enjoy coming to office every day, you need to be a good listener.

We don't expect their ideas to hit the roof, but hey, brilliance can come from any corner.

So, you need to give them a Voice. A Chance. A Possibility. They need to be Valued and not just be a "Yes Boss!" person. Acknowledge that they are here to make a difference too and their perspective might give you a game changing insight to improve business. Not only you should hear them out, you should appreciate them putting their ideas forward. Reward them by politely explaining the merits and demerits of an unfeasible idea and why the way you want it would be a better choice to make. This way, they will feel Included, enjoy working and learning new things and most importantly see you as a true leader.

leadership teen blog riddhi sahaye Secondly, Personalise your approach.
They are not mere numbers in an excel file, they are humans. You should give them certain tasks that sometimes we know they're poor at, but yet these experiences would enable them to grow and learn to take risks.

Thirdly, have Patience!

Sometimes such dealings can be annoying and frustrating, but, the key is to "Keep your cool" by remembering the way you were, in your early days. How you wouldn't have appreciated impatience and mean behavior from your boss.

Fourthly, Communicate often!

Update them with the latest challanges. This will make them feel valuable and add strength to overcoming them.
teen blog to leadership riddhi sahaye

Fifthly, Develop & Motivate them!

Make them realise that challenges can be overcome and how they play a role in the company's vision. Celebrate achievements - no matter how small.

Sixthly, Reward your employees for good work!

Respect and Reward goes beyond money!
It also increases healthy competition among fellow employees and most importantly creates a Happy, Positive environment.

Seventhly, avoid Howling :D

Keep your temperament under control! No matter how hard, remember your time as a beginner, show kindness, empathy & respect and it will come back to you. Even if you do scold them, be professional and don't make personal comments. If you went overboard, apologize. Make them realise afterwards that we are all working for the betterment of the company and we're all accountable.
Never forget where you came from! Empathy & kindness while dealing with new employees will surely make you a better manager and leader.

teen blog leadership riddhi sahaye

About the author
riddhi sahaye
Riddhi is an ordinary teenager with extra ordinary observatory skills. She's still in school and likes to uncomplicate life with simple goals. She's also an aspiring Psychiatrist, for now ;) and wants to create a happy world, making a difference - treating one person at a time.
Posted in : Leadership 
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