"It's expensive to hire the wrong people. If they leave it's expensive. If they stay it's expensive."

Its possible to hire somebody wrong for your business and equally important to get it right, fast. Here are 12 indicators to identify a Bad hire: -
  1. They miss most deadlines. Instead of focussing on how to achieve in time, they prefer to procrastinate and postpone work.
  2. They resist Quantitative goals. When asked about their objectives, they like to talk about the role in general and shrug away from any numbers driven KPIs.
  3. They don't seek help! They prefer to hide things and mention issues only when coerced.
  4. They often hold a grudge when being tasked. They prefer to focus on how the manager reacted, rather than the 'why' s/he did, instead of stepping-up to get it done.
  5. They are always “very busy” to pick additional work. Great employees happily make time for new initiatives or additional responsibilities to help the team.
  6. They are very demanding! They always need more resources instead of prevailing despite constraints.
  7. They cultivate Mediocrity and connect well with other mediocre colleagues. Even worse, they like to hire mediocre people and stay away from high achievers. They feel threatened by any great new hire.
  8. It’s never their fault. They seldom own mistakes and will always have someone to blame.
  9. They are Gossip mongers. A little is normal, but mediocre staff often creating a toxic environment, looking for opportunities to gossip.
  10. They're not loyal. And, smile when your brand is challenged. Great employees will fight tooth & nail to defend their employer when criticised by customers or competitors. Loyalty is a direct indicator of work-passion.
  11. They just Lie! They lie a lot about situations and start believing in them. Mediocre employees just lie. Its a sign of degenerating productivity.
  12. They don't like to own Results. They prefer to do activities and end it there, without a desire to actually see it through to success.
Bad hires, are simply there to do a job and not make a career.

As manager's you must follow the principle of FFF - Fail, the failure, fast!
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
Fool me thrice, call it a day.
As an employee, you must introspect if you are truly adding value to reduce the burden of your manager and get your act right. Your corrective actions could turn the same Boss & to your biggest career advantage in all times to come. 
Afterall, “It's not what you achieve, it's what you overcome. That's what defines your career."
Posted in : Leadership 
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