The Game of Thrones - Finale has had many speculations have been running high to know who finally sits on the Throne. Strong personalities with unique leadership styles, but in this ruthless world, they don’t get a chance to learn. They either "Perform or Perish!"

It’s a fiercly competitive world, where talent is scarce, employees rarely remain loyal. Here is where the "Human Resource" function, Aka "Hand of the King" comes in play, strategically keeping in check of the entire workplace values.

We thought we’d create a fun fan theories compilation and evaluate the most probables to sit on the Throne and draw a corelation to Workplace Leadership style with Myers-Briggs Personality Traits (MBTI). The end result will most probably shock you (too) ;)

Daenerys Targaryen

hiringplug MBTI leadership styles of Game of thrones GOT finale

MBTI: Introvert, Intuition, Feeling, Judging

Daenerys Targaryen has all the qualities of a great ruler, infact the greatest ruler Westeros has ever seen. She has evolved from the meek, timid girl she once was to a fierce, sometimes merciless, yet still extremely compassionate leader. Following both her brother Viserys’ and her husband Khal Drogo’s death, she has truly been through all manner of struggles and managed to come out of it, unbroken and undefeated. From being abandoned by Drogo’s khalesar, to almost dying of thirst and starvation in the Red Wastes, to being betrayed by her trusted bodyguard Ser Jorah Mormont, she has met all these challenges and faced them with tact and intelligence.

Her Hand of the Queen- Tyrion Lannister

hiringplug MBTI leadership styles of Game of thrones GOT finale
Tyrion has always been able to stop Daenerys’ most impulsive actions using his clever mind. Yes, sometimes he failed but in most cases he has been able to make a great impact through his counsel. He is a people person, who genuinely cares about the well-being of the city folks. He truly wants to leave the world a better place than it is.

Sansa Stark
hiringplug MBTI leadership styles of Game of thrones GOT finale
MBTI: Extrovert, Sensing, Feeling, Judging

When we think about the past two seasons and everything that has happened , who’s actually played this so-called ‘game’ the best? It is of course the Lady of Winterfell, Sansa Stark. Sansa has, time and time again, proved that she has the ability to lead, and the skills to do it. She’s also incredibly smart, and Westeros would be in very good hands.

Her Hand of the Queen - Lady Brienne

hiringplug MBTI leadership styles of Game of thrones GOT finale
Brienne of Tarth is a great warrior but also the most trusted person in Sansa’s counsel. Brienne has sworn to protect the Stark daughters. She is not only a great Knight but also a great advisor. She is sincere, honest and she truly wants the betterment of the world.

Gendry Baratheon
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MBTI: Introversion, Sensing, Thinking, Perception

The Lord of Storm’s End could also fulfil the prophecy of Azor Ahai / Prince that was promised. The prophecy speaks of a saviour who was ‘born again amidst smoke and salt’ and would forge a sword called Lightbringer before battling the darkness. Gendry definitely fits the description, also, he works in a forge making weapons and armour. The darkness he’d have to defeat would probably be Daenerys.

His Hand of the King - Tyrion Lannister

hiringplug MBTI leadership styles of Game of thrones GOT finaleTyrion and Gendry have never really spent enough time together to bond but Gendry has always been amazed by Tryion’s great mind. If Gendry were to sit on the throne, Tyrion would be the best fit for his hand to give him counsel in order to rule Westeros.

Jon Snow

hiringplug MBTI leadership styles of Game of thrones GOT finale

MBTI: Introversion, Sensing, Feeling and Perception

Jon Snow is no longer Eddard Stark’s bastard son, he is the rightful heir to the throne of the Seven Kingdoms. During the time at the Wall, Jon was able to prove himself a great swordsman, and a man of honour willing to stick up for those with less skill than himself.

During his time with the Wildlings, Jon gained the trust of a group of people known for being extremely untrustworthy of outsiders, eventually convincing some of them to come to the aid of those south of the wall. Snow is no stranger to great victories. He has been able to reclaim Winterfell by defeating Ramsay Bolton, even death has been unable to defeat him.

With the inevitable invasion of Westeros by the Night King and his army of White Walkers, Westeros is in desperate need of a no-nonsense ruler who can finally make the world a better place to live in.

His Hand of the King - Sansa Stark

hiringplug MBTI leadership styles of Game of thrones GOT finaleSansa is not only namesake sister of Jon Snow but also one the people Jon trusts and loves the most. Sansa has learnt the game from the best and the worst people in the league. Jon Snow had won the ‘Battle of Bastards’ because of Sansa’s help only who made the right move by bringing in the Vail army to the rescue.

Tyrion Lannister
hiringplug MBTI leadership styles of Game of thrones GOT finale

MBTI: Extrovert, Intuition, Thinking, Perceiving

Tyrion is one of the most clever characters in Game of Thrones. Tyrion has no interest of the throne, that is precisely reason why he’d be a good ruler. He has survived a number of attempts on his life. Most impressively, he convinced Daenerys that he could be of use to her. She’s not an easy character to sway.

Tyrion’s negotiations is second to none, something which the previous rulers of Westeros have lacked in. He’s not afraid to seek counsel from his peers  but ultimately he’ll always make the right choice, no matter how difficult. Tyrion has served as the Hand of the King/ Queen to Joffrey and Daenerys and has better political experience than any character.

His Hand of the King - Sansa Stark

hiringplug MBTI leadership styles of Game of thrones GOT finaleTyrion has already spoken before that Sansa has become one of the most cleverest person she has met so far. Tyrion has been seeing her since she was a timid girl and to see her so fierce and clever has completely left him at awe. If Tyrion were to sit on the throne, he would definitely choose Sansa to be at her counsel.

The countdown to the greatest show in history has begun. The Game of Thrones season finale airs on 20th May 6:30AM IST. Think hard, Set your alarm, place your bets ... and let us know what's your take!

hiringplug MBTI leadership styles of Game of thrones GOT finale

UPDATE: What really happened in the Finale .....

Bran Stark

MBTI: Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, Judgement

We saw what happened with Daenerys. Her belief in her destiny to rule and her hunger to claim the Iron Throne resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent civilians. Before her there was the cruelty of Cersei and Joffrey, the destruction that came with Robert’s Rebellion and the War of the Five Kings, and the Mad King Aerys II.

As Varys argued, perhaps the best ruler is someone who does not want it – someone who does not rule for power’s sake. Who better then, than someone who does not want anything? Someone who has no personal skin in the game, and cannot be corrupted by greed and selfish interests? One who has been shown to make poor decisions in the name of love and loyalty. No, more than anyone, this describes Bran.

Bran is the Three-Eyed Raven. A true neutral. He knows Westeros’ whole history, and the countless mistakes that have been made throughout. He can use that power to ensure those mistakes are not repeated, and a better world is created for the common people who have suffered for so long under tyrannical rulers.

His Hand of the King- Tyrion Lannister

game of thrones Tyrion wine hiringplugTyrion didn’t earn his power through violence or strategizing or long-term wedding-murder-planning, the way other characters on Game of Thrones so often have. When Bran asked him to be Hand, he didn’t even want the job, in the same way that Bran didn’t want his. Tyrion got what he got because he was very good at doing the thing that he argued was most vital to maintaining a functioning society: telling stories.

Ah! and Remember, whether even in the corporate world,
you need a sharp HR 'Strategist' cum 'Storyteller' by your side because ...
Chaos is a Ladder! ;)
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