According to McKinsey Global Institute, Indian HR Technology industry is presently sized at $65 million. If trends are to be believed, it is poised to grow manifold in the coming few years. This digital wave HR technology is aiding lots of transformation in various functions within HR.

Indian companies have been proactive in lookihiringplug i love my jobng for and adapting new technological solutions for the workplace to embark on their digital transformation journey. To efficiently leverage the advantages of these solutions, companies needs to have a clearly defined digital strategy which is in alignment with their business strategy. This alignment will help drive employee engagement and cultural values of the firm.

Areas where these technologies are driving change are: -

Learning and Development

Technology has enabled firms to train new employees with e-learning platforms like byte sized e-learning modules which save a considerable amount of time with specific information which employees can take anywhere anytime. This saves time by avoiding a full day blocked for an executive program session. Adoption of these and many other e-learning solutions by companies have helped reduce training burden on their HR teams

Talent Acquisition

Various companies are innovating in this area. Gone are the days of getting stuck with one recruitment agency and waiting for them to find you the right candidate. Companies are readily adopting a new model for talent acquisition. This is the recruitment marketplace model in which our company also has a huge role to play. Hiringplug has democratised talent acquisition by creating a marketplace where companies post their requirements and any recruitment agency which has an ideal candidate can connect with that company to take things forward. This saves time and cost of acquisition for companies.

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Internal Communication

To nurture the feeling of employee care and interconnectedness within the organization, next gen internal communication technologies are being adopted by HR functions. These technologies are moving towards providing seamless experience through a 1:1 interface for employees across all touch points. Come companies are using chat bots to provide 24/7 counselling to their employees so that they don’t feel marginalized.

Employee Branding

Till now companies were only focussing on digitizing their internal processes. Now they feel that there is a need to use this digital transformation opportunity to enhance Employer Brand. Companies recognize that if they want to attract the best talent, they would have to brand themselves as such a place where you get all round opportunity to grow. Digital social media platform comes in handy for this goal.

How investing in employee engagement solutions impact business

When you simplify systems and processes, you make it easy for employees to do their work. This way they can reduce complexity and stimulate collaboration.  Better employee experience is also seen to translate into better customer experience. If your employees are happy, they would treat their customers well. According to research companies who invest in employee experience, outperform their competitors that don’t. Not only do they grow 1.5x faster, pay better, and produce more than double the revenue, they are also 4 times more profitable!

Technology can drive Happiness @ Work

In summary, it makes (great) business sense to invest in the employee experience. Although it will be hard to calculate a precise ROI on employee experience investments, companies that do tend to outperform their competition.

This is our take on how digital technologies can be leveraged to build better employee and potential employee engagement programs. 

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