Covid-19 may be a fancy word to represent the 21st century pandemic, but its now a ‘Change agent’ on how humans collaborate.

The Novel Coronavirus is wiping away a large part of the human race at an unprecedented rate and forcing world citizens to rethink their lifestyle in the era of ‘Social distancing’ & 'Self-quarantining'. With no cure in sight yet, it is dramatically slowing down businesses and employees must get accustomed to remote working.

Remember the whole talk of ‘future of work’? ... How remote employees & Gig workers will form a large part of the workforce? Well, it just became a reality as we’ve zipped into the future in a matter of days!
Even as this pandemic phases out, the culture of ‘Work from home’ and managing a remote workforce will now be a more permanent part of our lives. The transition can be overwhelming both for companies & employees who haven’t experienced it before.

Here are a few tips to make Remote working more effective and perhaps build your business, better than ever before.

  • Establish your Home office. Identify a private area which has covid-19 work from home hiringplugeverything you need to conduct business. Good internet, mobile network, adequate silence when you need it and comfortable place to work for prolonged periods, without deteriorating your posture. Innovate, if space is limited, grab a corner that suits you best. This also serves as an important signal to those who live with you that you’re ‘at work’.
“Create boundaries within your home that your family members understand: 'When the door is closed, pretend I’m not there.'" says Kristen Shockley, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Georgia.
  • Pick your Communication tools. What seemed nice to have earlier, could now be your work lifeline. Invest in the tools of your choice: Email, Skype, Zoom, WebEx, Google Hangouts, Gotomeeting, Microsoft Teams, Slack and many more can make work easier while working from home. Ensure that all devices that will be used remotely have the latest version of their operating software, security software and applications.

It’s easier said, but you’ll have to Change your behaviour

  • As a Manager, you must be more tolerant, avoid micro-management and empathize with subordinates. Remember, your staff may also be scared and the conditions at home won’t be ideal.
  • It’s also important to focus on outcomes and learn to trust the staff. What really matters is timely completion of tasks instead of how long was their tea break was.

“A successful remote worker requires 3 D’s: Devotion, Dedication and Discipline. While working remotely, you must over-communicate and proactively close the loop on tasks assigned." says Vikramjit Singh Sahaye, founder of hiringplug Recruiters marketplace.

He believes that “the Manager’s perception of you, is your own responsibility.”

  • A lot of times, working from home can also lead to loneliness. In fact, “Loneliness” is one of the biggest challenges for remote workers, affecting motivation. This too can be overcome by regular & planned communication.
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  • Take care of your posture, instead of lying iposture covid-19 work from home hiringplugn bed with a laptop, try something more deliberate like a straight back ergonomic chair.
  • Be Optimistic. The leader's positive outlook will give the much needed motivation for the employees to go the extra mile. This can be fun, yet result oriented. Such leadership style often becomes the reason why perform even under adverse conditions.
  • Set-up a schedule. Fixed slots to have a face to face interactions with your team is salient. This increases work efficiency, bonding and dispels the isolation one feels while working alone. Completing tasks effectively even when you are working at home increases job security.
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“Have really clear-set expectations for communications day to day” says Barbara Larson, a professor of management at Northeastern University in Boston who studies remote working. “Ask your manager if they don’t mind having a 10-minute call to kick off the day and wrap up the day. Often times, managers just haven’t thought of it.”
  • Lastly, Bond with your Boss. Everyone's human and it's lonelier at the topbaby boss hiringplug! Create a personal rapport and lend a helping hand. Whenever in doubt, you rather over-communicate. It's vital to update your manager frequently on everything you’re doing and if there's any change in your deliverables. At the same time, also make sure that you’re using communicatiion tools to interact with your peers. 
Remote working is becoming a part of life and it's up to us to build a case for its sustainability in business. Covid19 may not be the end of pandemics, but an evolved lifestyle will help us cope-up with future adversities, effectively.
Posted in : Future of Work 
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