In the battle to improve the world, numerous NGOs have disregarded exactly how significant Human Resources can be to the proficient running of their association. Despite mainstream thinking, HR is not only a division that helps hire talented people for the organization but over the years has evolved to perform other functions in an organization. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have been founded to deliver value for the communities and society through service, education and some form of contribution that makes the community a better place for everyone. However, it’s mission can only be achieved when there are equally talented and committed people who can deliver which is possible through HR.
With regards to dealing with a worldwide workforce, NGOs confront many similar complexities and difficulties if not more everywhere. It is normal for NGOs to have a few provincial workplaces and representatives situated worldwide. However, NGO representatives every now and again work in the absolute most remote places on earth. To effectively deal with this remote workforce, there needs to be efficient HR governance and practices to maximize the effectiveness of the effort.

1. Talent Acquisition

Most Human Resources personnel have broad involvement in selection and talent acquisition. One of the key areas to remember is, to hire talented individual who have traits of leadership, who, in time can lead a bigger team when empowered to do so. HR for NGO’s will also have to look into automating redundant procedures so that more time in spent on Talent hunting rather than mundane paperwork and administration. This will ensure not only hiring talent who are skilled to accomplish the NGO’s mission but also minimize employee turnover and boost culture, morale and value of the organization. 

2. Onboarding

onboardingA NGO may only be as good as the sum of the people who work and support the organization with its effort. This can only come as a result of HR’s effort to make new people feel welcome and an approach to help them become familiar with the organization’s values and goals. The HR Division will have to be on point in terms of onboarding, induction and operations inside an organization. One of the most important elements to convey at this point is the expectations, what is expected of the employee as well as what the employee can expect from the company. 

3. Training and improvement

Once onboard, HR within NGO’s will be required to developing talent. Some organizations have specialized people dedicated to talent development while other smaller NGO’s have a hands-on-approach to developing talent, mostly undertaken by the founder or leader of the NGO. Whatever the size of the NGO, the end outcome of training and development should be to build capable individuals who can take the organization forward as leaders themselves. This is possible through support, encouragement and the room to make mistakes along the way.

4. On-going support 

support at workA constructive HR department can tremendously affect the dynamics of an association. Inspiration and motivating employee can be difficult within regular organizations, not to mention an NGO. And so, it is imperative that the leadership team within an NGO is strong enough to lead the organization through difficult times and able to effectively communicate the vision to the rest of the organization

5. Redefining goals and influencing teams

Like most organizations, NGO’s have their own set of challenges in operations, HR, compliance and legislation especially if the NGO is an International one. In these times, HR can play a pivotl role that can be a game changer that will help the organization through. To avoid getting into trouble, HR should also take the responsibility of forecasting and planning for the future in terms of particular challenges the NGO may face in areas of talent acquisition, compliance and labour laws. According to this, contingent strategies must be drawn as well as redefining goals should become priorities to help the organization navigate through smoothly.

While NGO’s may have different challenges compared to private organizations, some of these may be similar to private organizations in terms of talent acquisition, onboarding, training and development. However, with a pro-active stance from the HR, most of these can be overcome. 
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