"The secret of my success is that we have gone to exceptional lengths to hire the best people in the world.” 

– Steve Jobs

College campuses, recruitment drives, seminars, and job portals are common places where companies execute the task of recruiting potential candidates. The main goal of campus recruitment is that companies try to cut down the cost of hiring people by moving out to the places where suitable manpower is available, which gives the recruiters an opportunity to meet various individuals with unique specialization and experience for a similar job. This is a win-win situation for both the recruiting companies and for the candidates.

Despite the presence of a vast number of new-age digital tools and effective recruitment models, recruitment drives are still considered to be an uphill challenge by the majority of modern companies. The main issue is that the cutthroat competition for skilled applicants has made it even harder for recruiters to reach out to prospective candidates and other than this, the current COVID-19 pandemic has created more roadblocks for the campus recruitment process. Companies cannot go to the campuses anymore neither can they have an in-person interaction with the students.

For these current shortcomings, hiring managers need to stay ahead of the curve only then they can get the best of the recruitment process in this pandemic. Most of the companies have even started following several steps like Remote proctoring which can act as an enabler in the digital campus recruitment process. Other than that institutions are conducting online tests for students to strengthen their candidature in front of the recruiter. Webinars are another step which companies regularly conduct for students to prepare them for job scenarios after the pandemic. Virtual Placement Drives have taken the front seat as almost all the companies are following it to select the candidates, a session of group discussions followed by job interviews in an online platform mode is the new normal which we can see.

But these new trends could be intimidating for people. Candidates have to let go all their traditional norms and have to adapt to new ways to ace this virtual recruitment process. It may sound challenging but by following these simple steps they could get more prepared:

Standard rules

Just because candidates are on video doesn't mean they can relax on their appearances. They should attempt to dress expertly, even beneath the midriff. They will feel much more confident when they dress for the part regardless of whether it means to put their work shoes on. Likewise, they should find a calm, private spot that will have practically little to no interruptions during the interview. Candidates can put neutral backgrounds which are distraction free, clean and tidy.

Prioritise the camera and not the E-screen

This tip may sound contrary but it is most significant that the recruiter see the candidates evidently and not the other way around.
This means that candidates should prioritise the device with the best camera in their possession and not the best display. The quality distinction between the two on an online meeting is massive and quickly evident.  

Trial Run

Platforms like MS Teams, Zoom, etc. let people record their meeting/s. So candidates can use this feature to polish their interviewing skills. They can record themselves telling their story before going into an interview to set a confident tone that offsets the awkward start of the process. They can study the recording to scrub nervous tics, stammers, and other flubs from their delivery. 

Get in the mood to converse

It's difficult to address questions brightly and vivaciously if the candidates have been cooped up inside for quite a while. Energy and enthusiasm are some of the things that recruiters look for in a candidate. Tiredness and unexcitement gives them a negative opinion. So candidates should at least make sure to act the part. They can try doing some jumping jacks or jogging around the house before the interview to get their energy level up and to help calm their nerves.

Though the campus recruitment process has changed significantly but the very essence of recruitment is still alive. You better be prepared and go through these Solid tips to ensure success. In this period of uncertainty, instead of getting demoralized, candidates should focus on improving their skill sets. This is the time when everyone has to adapt to the new normal and make the most out of it.

As Mr Marc Benioff rightly said, “
Acquiring the new talent is the most important key to growth. Hiring was and still is the most important thing we do.”

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