Wouldn't it be simpler if you had a list of candidates prepared for the work role before you were ready to conduct the interview? You wouldn't have to spend hours together, one by one, screening applicants.

Hiring procedures have progressed far beyond the use of conventional methods like CV screening or a personal interview. These are no longer sufficient if you want to hire the best talent.

To improve the recruiting process, most of today's employers take advantage of a variety of tools - pre-employment assessment tools. These assessment tools improve the recruitment process by making it quicker and less costly, as well as resulting in more precise hiring decisions. These hiring decisions are data driven and fair with the help of technology.

However, the selection of a candidate assessment tool should not be taken lightly. So, let's look at the fundamental advantages that a good tool can provide.

1.     Maximize ROI of your HR

There's no need to argue about how long the hiring processes are. Furthermore, it is inefficient in terms of cost, as vacant positions are left open for far too long. They claim that jobs posted online will remain open for up to 90 days, and this isn't due to lack of applicants, as the average number of resumes submitted online is around 250 per position.

The use of pre-employment tests at the beginning of the hiring process speeds up the process and reduces the amount of time it takes to close a new hire. At the very least, it aids in the exclusion of so-called "spammers", or those who send out their resumes regardless of whether they are qualified for the position or not. Only the "serious" candidates will be allowed to take the test.

Finally, lengthy recruiting processes weed out high-demand candidates, who will most likely accept other offers that arrive first. Pre-employment tools help recruiting managers save time by reducing the amount of time they spend on interviews, screening, and hiring.

Take advantage of bundling opportunities for your Business’s needs

If you want to make a good hire, you'll need to evaluate applicants' talents as part of the screening process. Regardless of what kind of skills should be considered for the position, pre-employment evaluation tools give hiring managers this chance of evaluating a candidate's skills for a particular position. Some positions will be simple to cover with pre-built tests, while others will require more complicated constructs to be measured; or to be adaptable to various use-cases within the same organization through "bundling" functionalities, like what Owiwi provides. Pre-employment tests can thus cover both the needs of the most common work position and those that are beyond the average market scope.

Improve the Candidate Experience

The success of the entire recruiting strategy and employer brand depends on a positive candidate experience. The candidate hiring experience would be an applicant's first contact with the company, and as we all know, first impressions matter! It gives them a sense of what is to come and what they can expect if they are recruited. Giving your candidates an engaging evaluation process that looks silky smooth adds another point to your company's brand.

With Candidate Insights, you can get instant reports

Another advantage of pre-employment evaluation is the instant generation of candidate skills reports. They provide in-depth insights into the candidate's profile and compatibility with the specific role — and they provide feedback to the candidates, demonstrating how they can improve. Employers should make quicker and more knowledgeable hiring decisions with these reports in hand.

Make your hiring process more accurate and objective

Pre-employment assessments help to avoid decisions that are influenced by the human factor. They evaluate each candidate objectively using the same lens, scenarios, and questions, then analyze the answers to produce a report. This is one way to prevent the unjust judgments and biases to which we are all prone.

Today's performers are self-aware and demanding. Recruiters need those five-star recruitment tech tools to stand out and attract the best candidates; tools that make their lives easier and increase the recruitment strategy of the firm.

Posted in : Talent Acquisition 
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