Prepping for an interview and wondering what your interviewer would be like? What if they’re one of those driven, opinionated and caffeine-addicted humans who are always glued to their phones? By now you might have guessed who we’re talking about – the Millennials. Roughly born between 1980 and 2000, they have grown up completely in the digital age, and being entrepreneurial in nature, they have all the tools necessary at their disposal for being self-employed. According to Economic Survey 2013-14, the working age population (20-35 years) in India would increase to over 64% in 2021. Hence there are high chances that your next recruiter would be a millennial. Here are a few things you should keep in mind when you face your millennial recruiter.


1. Dazzle them

Create a good first impression as the typical millennial has short attention spans and sees time as a valuable resource. If they are not impressed in the first few minutes, they might move on to interview the next candidate. So make sure to keep them engaged by standing out from the crowd. Millennials embrace diversity and respect values and individuality in others, so try citing examples from your experience and background that set you apart from the rest and showcase your inner drive and passion. However, it is inadvisable to put on an act in such situations, so be confident and honest while presenting yourself. One way of doing that is by stating only relevant details rather than trivial ones.

2. Always say yes

Well, not literally, but try to be flexible and have a positive outlook or response to new possibilities, opportunities and challenges. In today’s dynamic work environment, it is quite clear that change is the only constant. Companies are finding ways to improve their business at a very rapid pace to counter the disruptions in the industry. One needs to unlearn, learn and relearn as per the evolving trends. As easy as it may sound, it is rather difficult, especially for Gen X who are reluctant to move out of their comfort zone. As an employee, you need to go beyond the standard school of thought and adapt to these changes not by accepting the status quo but by embracing change, having a positive mindset and learning as quickly as possible. Millennials being quick learners and adaptive themselves, are often on the lookout for such traits in an employee.

'If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later!' – Richard Branson

3. Juggle, juggle, juggle

In order to secure the job, you should convince the recruiter that you can handle multiple responsibilities. Millennials are multitaskers and expect you to not only manage various tasks simultaneously but also ace your work-life balance. Try to cite examples from your experience of how you been able to prioritise your roles and manage your time when challenged with several commitments. This way, you would be able to display your broader skill sets and your control over daily stress and strain. In the end, the recruiter just wants to confirm your motivation and healthy coping mechanisms.

4. Be online

Social media is the doctrine of new age workplaces! Every organisation wants to communicate its relevant information to all its stakeholders using faster means. Social media fulfils this very need as it can disseminate vital information at the click of a button. Be it an advertising campaign, a market research or even posting job mandates, anything and everything can be carried out over online networking platforms. Hence, it is necessary that you are capable and aware of using social media, as your next job might have an extensive use of it. Also, be aware of what you post online as your recruiter would, without a doubt, go through your Facebook or LinkedIn profiles before you appear for your interview.

5. Put on your Tech shoes

“Proficient in MS Office” is passé! Today’s recruiters want to stay ahead of the game and therefore, they are well informed about all the emerging technologies in the industry, and hence, expect the same from their employees. Moreover, they tend to demand faster and smoother processes to enhance productivity. They are more likely to use video interview tools and cloud-based recruitment technologies for easy assessment and monitoring, respectively. Platforms like hiringplug™ offer services like applicant tracking system and vendor management system that are highly sought after by the millennial recruiter. Recruiters therefore, hunt for tech-savvy candidates, who are proficient in computers, the Internet and other technology tools.

6. Collaborate and participate

Millennials prefer working in teams and promote open workspaces to increase collaboration, exchange of ideas as well as friendly connections. The outcome is usually enhanced efficiency and productivity due to practical and result-oriented ideas. Employers want to hire candidates who are interactive and team-oriented, and have a good personality. As a potential employee, you must be comfortable with working in groups and have an amicable and approachable attitude. Millennials also have a propensity to focus on societal needs and have a strong sense of community; they want their businesses to be socially conscious. So if your recruiter is a millennial, show that you are progressive in nature and support causes that benefit the society at large.

Thus, by studying the millennial mindset, we can understand and adapt to the driving change in the corporate world. So are you ready to get hired by a millennial recruiter?

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