“Hakuna Matata, what a wonderful phrase!” – The Lion King

Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, very famously said, “Hiring the right people takes time, the right questions, and a healthy dose of curiosity.” Modern talent acquisition is a strategic function of an organization, encompassing talent procurement, but also workforce planning functions such as organizational talent forecasting, talent pipelining, and strategic talent assessment and development.

We generally go for the conventional ways of recruitment or talent acquisition. The same procedures, questions, etc. are followed and the candidates are hired. However, modern talent acquisition has become a key skill-set. Because talent acquisition professionals many times also handle post-hire talent issues, such as employee retention and career progression, the talent acquisition role is quickly becoming a distinct craft. So, it is necessary that we employ new techniques for this developing industry of talent acquisition.

Nowadays, most of the inspirations are derived from the show business, that includes movies, TV shows, web series, etc. There is no business-like show business! And there sure are business lessons to be derived from movies. Gone are the times when books were the only source of knowledge and inspiration. The youth of today want something quick and entertaining to grab their attention. There have been several Hollywood and Bollywood movies that teach some of the best lessons of HR or talent acquisition.

12 Angry Men: Harvard Business School builds a case study around the Hollywood movie 12 Angry Men. Released in 1957, the moviehiringplug 12 angry men is a courtroom drama which tells the story of a jury made of 12 men who cannot get to a common consensus for a murder trial. 12 Angry Men explores many techniques of consensus-building and the difficulties encountered in the process among a group of men whose range of personalities adds intensity and conflict. The movie clearly depicts how necessary is it to make a right choice of the jury members and how important is to work in a team in spite of the conflict of views.

Office Space: Similarly, a satirical take on typical work life in a software company is depicted through Office Space and touches almost all HR issues; the movie has been a personal favorite for many HRs around the world. It was appreciated by the critics as well.

These were the two very famous movies which contributed a lot towards the HR department of companies. Similarly, there were other movies as well which directly or indirectly taught some of the best lessons.

Finding Nemo: Recruitment can be a discouraging process for many people around the world. Not all get success in their first take which leads to major disappointments. Many people resort to the weaker ways like they get depressed or think of ending their lives. In such situations, movies like Finding Nemo can play a very important role. The basic lesson we get from it is to not give up and just keep swimming. We will inevitably find ourselves dealing with an impossible-to-please hiring manager, or even worse, an impossible-to-fill requisition from time to time. When that happens, we must stay focused on our end goal in mind. Neither did Nemo’s dad give in nor should we. If we want to be successful in this world of talent acquisition, never giving up is the attitude which should be kept alive.

hiringplug hakuna matataThe Lion King: With its life-changing philosophy of “Hakuna Matata,” incredibly orchestrated opening number, and Mufasa’s heart-wrenching death scene, The Lion King taught a very important lesson, “you can either learn from a situation or run from it.” From this movie, you understand that learning from your mistakes is extremely important in the recruitment industry. If you find yourself facing some unwanted situation due to any miscommunication with your hiring manager, take those resolutions and experiences with you as you proceed forward. Taking responsibility for your oversights and referencing them in future situations will set you up as a credible resource and reliable partner, both of which portrays you as a talent acquisition expert.

These are some of the life-changing movies from Hollywood that teach us important lessons of life.

Now let’s go over to the Bollywood industry. It too has a fair share of overwhelming movies like Secret Superstar which clearly depicts that whatever be the circumstances, if you have talent and determination, nothing is impossible. Even you find can someone like Amir Khan who would seek the talent in you and lead you towards the right direction. All you have to do is be relentless and never give up. You may fail ninety-nine interviews but sit for the hundredth one. Sooner or later, you will achieve your goal and dreams. Similarly, Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year, is an Indian movie which, although did not do great at the box office, narrates the story of an average graduate who is sincere and customer focused. While doing his job without compromising on his ideals, he forms his own company - Rocket Sales Corporation.

But at the end of the day, every recruiter is looking to find those few candidates who will make them say,

“I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse” – The Godfather

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