Advantages of having an HR department

1. Compliance
Scooping up to the labor demands in the company can be a huge of a setback and can give you the best productive work or bring down a company single handedly. Other than this the HR department must look over many different things as well such as the welfare and well-being of their work life as well. That HR has their work cut out in making sure that the labors are giving that they ask for, but intern have the required services as to what the company expects from them.

2. Get the best hirehiringplug HR

This is the most prominent role of the HR department to have the best of talent in the company. But then you can decide for yourself as to what the company can want but to just get the right hire such that the company can be benefited in all ways possible. Finding the right talent can be the hardest and hence you need to have the best HR to get this possible as well. As of this present generation there are roughly about 64% of the total HR out there who tend to improvise and go through anything to get the right acquisition done such that nothing goes for a toss in the end.

3. Retaining the right talent and enhancing opportunities
Having the right talent in your company and making sure that they stay for a longer time is a task that the HR needs to keep up with. Seeing the current market, they need to keep in mind that right talent is a tough find and can prove to be significantly tougher to find such an acquisition later. Hence to satisfy all the needs and other sorts of demands, the HR needs to come down to a compensation or some sort of agreement to have the talent in the company for a longer period. Hence there are almost 26% of the total HR out there who are willing to keep the performing employee such that the company can have the boosts and meet deadlines way before than the given time.

There are also some Disadvantages...

1. Unidentified access of data

There is no such thing as a perfect human being but then there are some cases where there might be breach of data as well. This mainly happens when you have an improper HR department, and this can result in some major data loss and can put the company to threat from other unidentified sources. This is the very same reason why companies are preferring to move towards having a software handle all the different kinds of entries and reviewing of application in general. There are almost about 75% of the total number of companies out there who are using software’s to select the right kind of application.

2. Cost
hiringplug costWhen it comes down to the profit margin of a company, then there is some sort of cuts that are done to increase the profit that it makes. Because of this very same reason instead of spending thousands of dollars on HR department, you can have some other simple solution of keeping a machine to take care of everything and never ever have a single penny lost. And this can be the very same reason why companies are willing not to have an HR department but be on the forefront of having AI decide what’s best for the company. Because of this there are roughly about 50% of the company’s out there who are much more better off using software’s than man power in general.

Hence with the things that you have seen above you can come to know as to how much of a value the HR department does add on to the company but then there are roughly about 35% of the companies out there who have opted out of having HR department in their company. Companies like google, apple and other tech giants have already come out of having an HR department as they believe it’s the people’s choice in having the personal. Well it all comes down to the type of company and what can the company do to take the HR to a whole new level of just be on its own and get its own way of finding the right talents and having everything under control. Hence, it’s the company’s call and make sure that if you do have an HR department, then it is of top notch and makes everything work and function in the most efficient way possible.

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