"A headhunter is a lot like a sniper; the only difference is that the headhunter elevate than eliminates."

Whether you are starting up or already in it - these key traits in you - are prerequisite to become a topnotch recruiter!

  • All ears – No matter where you are or what you are doing - listening skills is a must in every job. Especially being a recruiter, you need to evaluate the requirement of the one’s you are working with; may that be a colleague, a client or a candidate. Having an active listening skill gives you a chance to absorb the information – interpret and then pass it on. With an almost perfect skill you may be able to block out the irrelevant information or noise and keep you mind distraction and focus on the real work. Hence, making you effective and a super recruiter.
  • Composure – If you plan on climbing up the corporate ladder, you’ll have to prove the required skill of being a leader. Being a recruiter you may eventually develop this skill or not. But having your emotions in check during work, it can never let you down. This helps with making rational decisions and guiding your team the right way. Being able to present a calm and in self-command, helps when you take several interviews in the day and while facing stress generating work as well.
  • Speed – Being able to keep up has it perks. But being able to go ahead of everyone else has more. Hiring is a competition and this competition requires quick thinking and decision making. You may see a potential talent, but chances are there are more recruiters eyeing the same candidate. You need to act accordingly and more efficiently. Since recruitment is done through various channels, a recruiter needs to take multiple tasks and get going. Keep in mind that smartness adds onto your speed, which you get through relevant experience and keeping yourself up to date with all trends in the industry.
  • Juggler – Work gets hectic most of the times, so do responsibilities and chores back at home. But being recruiters you need to juggle both you prioritize. Neglecting either of them could affect the other. After all both the factors are part of your life. Learn to manipulate all your priorities because recruiting requires you to show up when duty calls.
  • Team Worker – If you are an independent recruiter or not, doesn’t matter – team working skills is a must in this century. You never know when you are required to be a team player. When working with a client you have to work as an extended team of employers. Being able to work with anyone is a talent not many possess and if you do by any chance, then use it! When you have a vast ocean of talents, going through it needs players along your side, hence the need is always there. A machine isn’t always reliable is it?
  • Networking Skills – Being in the hiring industry you need to deal with people most of your time. It should come as a second nature to recruiters – networking. It does wonders! Not only that but it augments your business credibility.
  • Focused – You need to have one eye on your target at all times. “A Headhunter is a lot like a sniper in the hiring world.” Recruiting is no different than sniping, the only thing changes in this case is that you are hiring your target than swiping it off the face of the earth.
  • Marketing and social media skills – That’s right! You need to showcase yourself as a desired employer to work with to sell yourself to a candidate. Poor Employer Branding is no different. Failing to pull these of leads to offer rejection by good talents.
  • Reliable – This skill especially if you are a third part recruiter is a must. You are being entrusted with a very important task, and if you aren’t reliable, then your clients just shift to another one. Never let that happen! Stretch & act beyond the call of duty in pressure filled situations. One loss could be fatal for your business. Word just gets around these days.
  • Spirit – Getting out there in the field with all the courage is required in this job. Are you confident that you will find the right talent in a marked area, through a specific channel? Are you capable of filling the position in time? Are you able to handle the offers turned down by good talent? Are you able to handle the disappointment in your boss/client when his/her expectation doesn’t match what you have lined up? You need to find what drives you to meet all these targets and deadlines, it’s required every day in a recruiter’s work life. Being upbeat at work hours numbs the rejections you come across, and increases better customer experience. You wouldn’t want to take out your partner’s anger on your client now would you?

It takes a lot out of recruiting. You may not always get what you deserve. There will be let downs. There will be times when you are the person most looked up-to-for a particular task. But what you have to do every day is to evolve and keep a consistency in your work. At the end if you come out a winner – carrying battle scars, then you are an expert recruiter. Ingest all the above traits to become one now! A wise man once said, "Contrary to how easy it may sound as a profession, effective recruitment is a rare cocktail of skill, gut, optimism & discipline."

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